Fig. 2.
Validation of LMNB1 upregulation in KIRC clinical samples. A Relative LMNB1 mRNA expression was analyzed by qRT-PCR in 25 pairs of KIRC tumor tissues and adjacent normal tissues, with ACTB set as an internal control. B Significance of difference between tumor tissues and adjacent normal tissues was evaluated by Student’s t test. C Total protein level of lamin B1 in nine pairs of human KIRC specimens was detected by western blotting. D Quantitative analysis of LMNB1 protein levels was performed. E Representative images of lamin B1 IHC staining in normal renal tissues and KIRC specimens with different T stages (n = 130). Scale bars represent 100 μm. F IHC scores of lamin B1 in the normal areas and tumor tissues of renal. G, H Lamin B1 IHC scores in different T stages (G) and Fuhrman grades (H). Values were expressed as mean ± SD and analyzed by unpaired Student’s t-test between two groups