(a) Drosophila mesoderm invagination occurs in distinct lengthening and shortening phases. Ventral side is up (same for all cross-section images in this work unless otherwise stated). A single ventral cell undergoing apical constriction is outlined in green. In this study, we sought to test whether myosin contractility is required throughout the folding process by acute, stage-specific inhibition of Rho1 (arrowheads). (b) Cartoon depicting the principle of the optogenetic tool used in this study. Upon blue light stimulation, CRY2-Rho1DN is translocated from the cytosol to the plasma membrane through the interaction between CRY2 and membrane anchored CIBN. (c) Confocal images showing the rapid membrane recruitment of CRY2-Rho1DN upon blue light illumination. (d) Relative abundance of membrane recruited CRY2-Rho1DN over time after blue light stimulation. Error bar: s.d., N=6 embryos. (e) A wild-type embryo expressing Sqh-GFP showing apical myosin accumulation during ventral furrow formation. N=4 embryos. (f) Activation of Opto-Rho1DN results in rapid dissociation of myosin from the ventral cell cortex (arrow) in a gastrulating embryo. N=8 embryos. (g) Confocal images showing the confined membrane recruitment of CRY2-Rho1DN within a region of interest (ROI, red box) that has been scanned by a focused beam of blue laser. N=6 embryos. All scale bars=20 μm.