(a) Cross-sections (left) and en face views (right) of a representative unstimulated embryo showing the localization of the F-actin marker UtrophinABD-Venus (UtrABD-Venus) during ventral furrow formation. At the onset of apical constriction, F-actin is enriched along the lateral membrane in both mesodermal and ectodermal cells (yellow and magenta arrows, respectively). During apical constriction, F-actin also accumulates at the apical domain of the constricting cells (cyan arrows). T=0 (min) is the onset of ventral furrow formation. +0 μm indicates the apex of the ventral most cells (red arrowheads) where the strongest accumulation of apical F-actin is observed. (b) Upon Opto-Rho1DN stimulation (immediately before 6.2 min), apical F-actin disappears within 1.2 min (cyan arrows). Lateral F-actin in the constricting cells was not immediately affected and only started to diminish 4 min after stimulation (yellow arrows). Lateral F-actin in the ectodermal cells was not significantly affected (magenta arrows). Note that the initial apical indentation (red arrowheads) quickly disappeared after stimulation upon relaxation of the cell apex. N=3 for unstimulated embryos and N=10 for stimulated embryos. Scale bars: cross-sections, 20 μm; en face views, 10 μm.