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. 2022 Feb 23;11:e69082. doi: 10.7554/eLife.69082

Figure 7. Modeling analysis of the impact of myosin-dependent and myosin-independent cell shortening forces in the constriction domain on binary tissue response.

Figure 7.

(a) The myosin-dependent, active lateral shortening forces and myosin-independent, passive lateral shortening forces function additively to mediate cell shortening and furrow invagination in the 2D vertex model. The active and passive lateral forces are given by KL_activel and KL_passive(l-l0), respectively, where l and l0 are the current and the resting length of the lateral edge, respectively. Green shaded region represents the conditions where the model generates normal final furrow morphology. (b) When KL_passive=20, changing KL_active has little impact on the binary response of the model to stimulation. (c) When KL_active=2, changing KL_passive does not affect the binary tissue response per se but influences the final morphology after stimulation.