Fig. 1.
Study on the characteristics of S11e. (A) The Kd of S11e for HT1080 cells was measured by flow cytometry. (B) After incubating with proteinase K, trypsin or EDTA, the binding of S11e to HT1080 cells was measured by flow cytometry. A Library with randomized aptamer sequences was used as a negative control (each sequence in this Library includes a randomized sequence region and two prime regions). Blank: unstained negative control. (C) Bar graph showing the binding of four truncated S11e sequences to HT1080 cells analyzed by flow cytometry. The quantified fluorescence intensities were shown by mean ± standard deviation calculated from multiple results. (Compared to full length S11e: *p < 0.05; ***p < 0.001; ns, not significant). (D) S11e′s secondary structure was predicted by The Nucleic Acid Package (NUPACK).