Fig. 1.
Characterization of MCL nanozyme. A) SEM image of HMnO2 nanoparticle. B, C) TEM images of HMnO2 nanoparticles, D) and MCL nanoparticles. E) HAADF-STEM images of HMnO2 nanoparticles. F) XPS analysis of HMnO2 nanoparticle. G, H) Size distribution and Zeta potentials of different samples detected by DLS. I) UV–vis absorption spectra of the intermediate products during the preparation process of MCL nanozyme. J) Size and PDI data of MCL nanozyme in saline solution for one week. K) SDS-PAGE protein analysis of LOX, HMnO2 nanoparticles, chitosan-coated HMnO2 nanoparticles (MC) and MCL nanozyme.