Fig. 2.
Physical characterization of MCL nanozyme-grafted microsphere. A, B) Microscopy images of MS@MCL. C) Laser confocal microscopy images of MS@MCL. FITC-labeled MCL exposed on the surface of microspheres were displayed with strong green fluorescence. D) Particle size of MS@MCL microsphere. E) SEM image of HAMA microsphere before grafting MCL nanozyme. F) SEM image of HAMA microsphere after grafting MCL nanozyme. G) EDS mapping image of Mn elements of MS@MCL. H) The microscopy images of the morphological change of MS@MCL over 6 weeks. I) The degradation curve of MS@MCL. J) FTIR analysis of different samples. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)