(A) Citrate synthase (CS) activities, an index of total mitochondrial mass, analyzed in WT, and cardiac-specific CKmito overexpressing (CKmitooe) heart lysates (n=4 per group). Cardiomyocytes isolated from WT or CKmitooe sham or TAC hearts were stimulated with isoproterenol (ISO, 2.5 nM, 10 min) and percent increase in: (B) sarcomere shortening and (C) Ca2+ transients were monitored (experimental replicates: n=12 cells isolated from 3 mice (WT sham), n=7 cells isolated from 2 mice (WT TAC), n=6 cells isolated from 2 mice (CKmitooe sham), and n=10 cells isolated from 6 mice (CKmitooe TAC) cells (B) and n=11 cells isolated from 3 mice (WT sham), n=7 cells isolated from 2 mice (WT TAC), n=6 cells isolated from 2 mice (CKmitooe sham), and n=6 cells isolated from 2 mice (CKmitooe TAC) (C)). Mitochondria were isolated from WT and CKmitooe sham or TAC hearts. Summary of data showing oxygen consumption rate (OCR) for: (D) complex I state 2; (E) complex I state 3; (F) complex II state 2; (G) complex II state 3; and (H) complex IV; (I) basal proton leak; and (J) uncoupled respiration (experimental replicates: n=6 (WT sham), n=5 (WT TAC), n=3 (CKmito sham), and n=4 (CKmito TAC) (D-G, I); n=6 (WT sham), n=5 (WT TAC), n=2 (CKmito sham), and n=4 (CKmito TAC) (H); n=3 per group (J)). Mitochondrial reactive oxygen species (ROS) emission in the (K) absence or (L) presence of auranofin (20nM) (experimental replicates: n=3 (WT sham), n=5 (WT TAC or CKmito TAC), and n=4 (CKmito sham) (K); n=3 (WT sham or CKmito sham) and n=2 (WT TAC or CKmito TAC) (L)). Graphs show data points for individual mice (A, D-L) or individual cells (B, C). Data were tested for normality using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for normality and analyzed using a two-tailed Student’s t-test (A), a generalized estimating equation model was used to take into account the correlation of within-subject data (B, C), or two-way ANOVA followed by Tukey’s post-hoc multiple comparison test (D-L). The error bars represent ±SEM.