Fig. 4.
BTNP protected mice from OVX-induce bone loss in vivo.
(a)The schematic diagram of the timeline of the in vivo test. (b) Micro-CT reconstruction images of the distal femurs of the experimental mice and the quantitative results of BMC (c), BV/TV (d), and BMD (e). (f) The three point bending test of femurs of the experimental mice. (g) Masson staining of bone sections of experimental mice and the quantitative results of % O. Pm (h). (i) TRAP staining of bone sections of experimental mice and the quantitative results of % Er. Pm (j). The relative serum proteins expression evaluated by Elisa test, including PINP (k), OT/BPG (l), and OSCAR (m). (n) The legend of all bar charts above. Notes: Scare bars: (b) 1 mm; (g, i) 50 μm. Sample sizes: (a–e) n = 16, (f, k-m) n = 6, (g–j) n = 9. All data are the mean ± s.d. Statistical differences between groups were determined by One-Way ANOVA (Tukey's post hoc analysis). **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, ****P < 0.0001. Red arrow in (g, i) represents the representative osteoid and bone erosion surface.