FIG. 3.
(a) Lesion growth in the shaven rumps of male (open squares) and female (solid squares) DBA/2 mice infected with L. mexicana. The values represent mean number of animals with lesions at week 10 postinfection/number in group. Similar results were obtained in three independent experiments. Error bars show standard error. (b) IFN-γ and (c) IL-5 production by inguinal lymph node cells from L. mexicana-infected male and female DBA/2 mice at week 10 postinfection following stimulation with Leishmania soluble antigen (20 μgml). ND, not detectable. Cytokine production from lymph node cells from individual mice was assayed separately, and four to five mice were used in each group. For full details of experimental procedures, see reference 120. Reproduced with permission from reference 120.