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. 2022 Feb 21;9:837420. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2022.837420

Table 1.

Characteristics of included studies.

References Study design Sample size Age (years)
Mean (SD)
Inclusion criteria ICU/MV history Co-morbidity Comparison groups Treatment regimen Frequency Total session/ duration/ follow-up Outcomes
Liu et al. (16)
36 69.4 (8.0) 1. A definite diagnosis of COVID-19;
2. Aged ≥ 65 years;
3. 6 months after the onset of other acute diseases;
4. MMSE score > 21;
5. No COPD or any other respiratory disease;
6. FEV1 in 1s ≥70%.
NR Hypertension T2MD osteoporosis E: respiratory rehabilitation Respiratory muscle training(device-based: threshold PEP);
Cough exercise; diaphragmatic training; stretching exercise; home exercise.
10 min/
2 sessions/
6 weeks 1. Pulmonary function (FEV1, FVC, FEV1/FVC, DLCO)
2. Exercise capacity (6-MWT)
3. QoL (SF-36)
4. Activities of daily living (FIM scale)
5. Anxiety and depression assessment(SDS, SAS)
36 68.9 (7.6) C: no care N/A N/A N/A
Abodonya et al. (15)
Saudi Arabia
21 48.3 (8.5) 1. Negative COVID;
2. Hemodynamically stable;
3. Respiratory rate <25breath/min;
4. Negative inspiratory force <25 cm H2O;
5. Minute ventilation <10L/min;
6. PO2/FIO2 > 200.
All admitted
in ICU (mean length of MV
13.3 ± 7.6d/
12.9 ± 8.4d)
NR E: IMT+IBE 6 inspiratory cycles with 5min of resisted inspiration, followed by 60-second rest time in each cycle (device-based: threshold PEP) 2 sessions/
5 days/week
20 sessions/
2 weeks
1. Pulmonary function (FEV1, FVC, DSI)
2. Exercise capacity (6-MWT)
3. QoL (EQ-5D-3L)
4. Dyspnea severity index (DSI)
21 47.8 (9.2) C: IBE NR 2 times daily 14 times/ 2 weeks
Li et al. (17)
59 49.2 (10.8) 1. Discharged from
one of the participating hospitals after inpatient treatment for COVID-19;
2. mMRC dyspnea score of 2–3.
86.6% with Oxygen support
or non-invasive
Heart disease
Lung disease (including
Inactive TB)
Breathing control and thoracic expansion, aerobic exercise, LMS exercises specified in a 3-tiered exercise plan with difficulty and intensity scheduled to increase over time. +short education as control 40–60 mins/session,
3–4 sessions/ week + teleconsultations once/week
18-24 sessions/
6 weeks,
follow up for
28 weeks
1. Exercise capacity (6-MWT)
2. LMS (static squat test)
3. Pulmonary function (FEV1, FVC, FEV1/FVC, MVV, PEF)
4. QoL (SF-12)
5. Perceived dyspnea (mMRC)
6. Adverse events
60 52.0(11.1) C: education 10-min standardized educational Instruction on exercise, life-style, basic hygiene Once at baseline follow up for
28 weeks

MV, mechanical ventilation; E, experiment group; C, control group; MMSE, mini-mental state examination; T2DM, type 2 diabetes mellitus; PEP, positive expiratory pressure; FEV1, forced expiratory volume in one second; FVC, forced vital capacity; DLCO, diffusing lung capacity for carbon monoxide; 6-MWT, 6-min walk test; FIM, Functional Independence Measure; QoL, quality of life; SF-36, Short Form Health Survey-36; SDS, self-rating depression scale; SAS, self-rating anxiety scale; IMT, inspiratory muscle training; IBE, incentive spirometer exercise; Eq-5D-3L, EuroQuality-5Dimensions-3Levels questionnaire; DSI, dyspnea severity index; mMRC dyspnea score, modified British Medical Research Council dyspnea score; TERECO, tele-rehabilitation program for COVID-19; LMS, lower limb muscle strength; MVV, maximum voluntary ventilation; PEF, peak expiratory flow; SF-12, Short Form Health Survey-12; NA, not applicable; NR, not reported.