Quantification of the bioluminescence signal emitted by established H2030‐BrM brain metastases in each organotypic culture at day 3 normalized by their initial value at day 0 (before the addition of DMSO or any compound). The final value in the graph is normalized to the organotypic cultures treated with DMSO. Blue: DMSO‐treated organotypic cultures; red: hits, compounds with normalized BLI ≤ 20%; green: BKM120 and compounds with similar efficacy to BKM120; gray: compounds that do not reduce BLI values. Values are shown in box‐and‐whisker plots where the line in the box corresponds to the mean. Boxes extend from the minimum to the maximum value (
n = 28 DMSO;
n = 21 BKM120‐treated organotypic cultures; each experimental compound of the library was assayed by duplicate, 8 independent experiments). Hits highlighted in bold are common to those obtained in the
in vitro screening (Fig
EV1A). Gray dashed line indicates the minimum decrease in BLI (25%) that we considered as a positive phenotype. The black dashed line represents 80% decrease in BLI, which identifies top hits.