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. 2021 May 19;137(2):375–385. doi: 10.1177/00333549211015665

Table 2.

Evaluation design and outcomes of US undergraduate and graduate public health training programs, curricula, and pedagogical methods for teaching about structural racism and racial equity in studies published before April 2020: results of a systematic review

Authors Evaluation design Key indicators Outcomes
Chávez et al, 2006 38 Course evaluations Not stated; presented selected quotes Quotes presented were positive and showed that students found the pedagogy engaging.
Dennis et al, 2019 33 Anonymous quantitative assessment of didactic sessions; nonanonymous qualitative feedback sent from fellows via email, analyzed by using inductive methods Quality of didactic session (on 5-point Likert-type scale, with 1 = did not meet expectations and 5 = exceeded expectations) All sessions had a mean score >4 on a 5-point scale, indicating that didactic sessions met expectations. Common themes that emerged from qualitative feedback were appreciation; a positive experience; awareness/education; mixed concerns (getting too much of this content, need more time to discuss, need more definitions); topic is sensitive; training will lead to advocacy and education; deepened understanding of bias and privileges (critical consciousness); challenged assumptions of self, colleagues, patients, and clients; and increased self-awareness/critical self-awareness.
Garcia et al, 2019 32 Preworkshop and postworkshop questionnaire (~5 min) designed to assess participants’ knowledge of content about American Indian/Alaska Native people, demographic information about participants, and feedback about the effectiveness of the workshop Change in knowledge about 5 content areas as demonstrated by an increase in the correct answer being chosen on multiple-choice questions Paired-sample t test demonstrated a significant increase in the mean number of correct responses. All participants agreed or strongly agreed that the workshop met the identified learning objectives.
Hagopian et al, 2018 35 A doctoral student reviewed all course materials for diversity-related topics, conducted interviews of faculty, held focus groups of students in the core courses, and presented findings at faculty meetings. Not stated Not stated
Mogford et al, 2011 34 Process evaluation used student reflections and journal responses to inform curriculum adaptations. Pretest and posttest survey administered to measure outcomes. Knowledge of social determinants of health (SDH), health inequities, and health as a human right; attitudes about SDH, human rights, and activism; self-efficacy and future intentions to act on SDH Authors stated that preliminary results were positive, but those results have not yet been published.
Tettey, 2018 30 End-of-course discussion and open-ended survey Not stated Students felt The Wire was an effective teaching tool that helped them make connections between SDH and health outcomes in the characters.