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. 2022 Mar 3;29(3):355–371.e10. doi: 10.1016/j.stem.2022.02.006

CD31 Ax488 (for FACS isolation) Biolegend Cat#303109 (WM59); RRID:AB_493075
CD45 Ax488 (for FACS isolation) Biolegend Cat#103121 (30-F11); RRID:AB_493532
EpCAM BV650 (for FACS isolation) Biolegend Cat#324226 (9C4); RRID:AB_2562735
CD24 BV421 (for FACS isolation) Biolegend Cat#311122 (ML5); RRID:AB_2561691
CD133 APC (for FACS isolation) Miltenyi Biotech Cat#130-098-829 (AC133); RRID:AB_2660883
αSMA Sigma-Aldrich Cat#A2547; RRID:AB_476701
AE2 Abcam Cat#Ab140953
ALB Abcam Cat#Ab2406; RRID:AB_303048
CD45 R&D Cat#MAB114; RRID:AB_357485
CK19 Novocastra Cat#NCL-CK19: RRID:AB_563799
EpCAM Abcam Cat#Ab32392; RRID:AB_732181
EpCAM (mouse specific) Abcam Cat#Ab221552
CD133 Abcam Cat#Ab19898; RRID:AB_470302
CD24 Biolegend Cat#101803; RRID:AB_312836
GFP Abcam Cat#Ab13970; RRID:AB_300798
HMGB1 Abcam Cat#Ab18256; RRID:AB_444360
HNF4α R&D Cat#PP-H1415-00; RRID:AB_2263954
Human Mitochondria Merck Cat#MAB1273; RRID:AB_94052
Ki67 Abcam Cat#Ab16667; RRID:AB_302459
LGR5 Abcam Cat#Ab75732; RRID:AB_1310281
MRP2 Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#MA532687; RRID:AB_2809964
PCNA Abcam Cat#Ab29; RRID:AB_303394
P53 Abcam Cat#Ab26; RRID:AB_303198
P21 Santa Cruz Cat#SC-471; RRID:AB_632123
STEM121 Takara Cat#Y40410; RRID:AB_2801314
Sox9 Merck Cat#AB5535; RRID:AB_2239761
ZO-1 Santa Cruz Cat#SC-33725; RRID:AB_628459
Biotinylated Anti-Rabbit IgG (H+L) (secondary Ab) Vector Lab. Cat#BA-1000; RRID:AB_2313606
Biotinylated Anti-Mouse IgG (H+L) (secondary Ab) Vector Lab. Cat#BA-9200; RRID:AB_2336171
Biotinylated Anti-Rat IgG (H+L) (secondary Ab) Vector Lab. Cat#BA-9400; RRID:AB_2336202
Anti-Mouse IgG(H+L)-555 (secondary Ab) Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#A31570; RRID:AB_2536180
Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L)-488 (secondary Ab) Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#A21206; RRID:AB_2535792
Anti-Rabbit IgG(H+L)-555 (secondary Ab) Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#A31572; RRID:AB_162543
Anti-Rat IgG(H+L)-555 (secondary Ab) Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#A21434; RRID:AB_141733
Mouse IgG (Isotype Control) Vector Lab. Cat#I-2000; RRID:AB_2336354
Rat IgG (Isotype Control) Vector Lab. Cat#I-4000; RRID:AB_2336356
Rabbit IgG (Isotype Control) Vector Lab. Cat#I-1000 RID:AB_2336355

Biological samples

Human livers unsuitable for donation preserved at 4°C in University of Wisconsin preservation fluid NHS Organ Donation Project No. 2015/0408 (LREC) 15/SS/0218

Chemicals, peptides, and recombinant proteins

Belzer MPS UW Machine Perfusion Solution Bridge-to-life Cat#BTLBUW-1000
Formaldehyde VWR Cat#9713.901
Methanol Fisher Scientific Cat#M/3900/17
Isopropanol VWR Cat#20842.323
Chloroform Sigma-Aldrich Cat#C2432
Glacial Acetic acid Fisher Scientific Cat#10365020
KCl GIBCO Cat#529552
NaCl Sigma-Aldrich Cat#S5886
EDTA Sigma-Aldrich Cat#E6758
EGTA Sigma-Aldrich Cat#E4378
Trizma® base Sigma-Aldrich Cat#93362
Triton X Sigma-Aldrich Cat# T8787
Tween-20 Sigma-Aldrich Cat#P1379
Phosphate Buffer Saline (PBS) Sigma-Aldrich Cat#D8537
Hanks Balanced Salt Solution GIBCO Cat#14025-050
Advanced DMEM/F-12 GIBCO Cat#12634010
StemMACS MSC Culture medium Miltenyi Biotec Cat#130-091-680
Liver Digest Media GIBCO Cat#17703034
Liver Perfusion Media GIBCO Cat#17701038
Penicillin /Streptomycin GIBCO Cat#15140-122
Glutamine GIBCO Cat#25030-024
Bovine Fetal Calf Serum GIBCO Cat# 10270106
L-Glutamine GIBCO Cat# 25030081
Versene 1:5000 (1x) Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# 15040-033
TryPLE Express GIBCO Cat#12604-013
Dispase STEMCELL technologies Cat#07913
Liberase MNP-S GMP grade Roche Cat#06297790001
Percoll Sigma-Aldrich Cat#P1644
CellBanker 2 Amsbio Cat#11891
HEPES pH7 GIBCO Cat#15630-056
A-83-01 Sigma-Aldrich Cat#SML0788
B27 Supplement GIBCO Cat#12587010
N2 Supplement GIBCO Cat#15630-056
Forskolin Tocris Cat#1099
Nicotinamide Sigma-Aldrich Cat#N0636
Human EGF Peprotech Cat#AF-100-15-100
Human FGF-10 Peprotech Cat#100-26-100
Human HGF Peprotech Cat#100-39
Human BMP-7 Peprotech Cat#120-03
Human FGF-19 Peprotech Cat#100-32
rhWnt-3a R&D Cat#5036-WN/CF
Gastrin Tocris Cat#3006
N-Acetylcysteine (NAC) Sigma-Aldrich Cat#A9165
Dexamethasone Sigma-Aldrich Cat#D2915
Human R-Spondin 1 Peprotech Cat#120-38
Y27632 Sigma-Aldrich Cat#Y0503
Noggin Peprotech Cat#120-10c
DAPT Sigma-Aldrich Cat#D5942
Corning Matrigel GFP Basement Membrane Matrix Corning Cat#354230
Biolaminin 521 LN BioLamina AB Cat#LN521
Polycaprolactone (avg. Mn. 80000) Sigma-Aldrich Cat#440744
Human Platelet Lysate STEMCELL technologies Cat#06960
Tamoxifen Sigma-Aldrich Cat#T5648
Sunflower seed oil Sigma-Aldrich Cat#S5007
Carprofen Pfizer Cat#
Ketamine Pfizer Cat#
Medetomidine Orion Pharma Cat#
Heparin Sodium Salt Sigma-Aldrich Cat# H3149
Glutaraldehyde Sigma-Aldrich Cat#g6257
Protein Block Abcam Cat#Ab64226
Halt Protease Inhibitor Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#78430
BLOXALL block (peroxidase-alkaline phosphatase) Vector Lab. Cat#Sp-6000
Avidin/Biotin block Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#004303
Vectastain ABC reagent R.T.U. Vector Laboratories Cat#PK-7100
DAB+ Chromogen System Dako Cat#K3468
Picric Acid Sigma-Aldrich Cat#P6744
Fast Green Sigma-Aldrich Cat#F7258
Direct Red Sigma-Aldrich Cat#365548
Oil Red O Sigma-Aldrich Cat#O0625
Fluorescein Diacetate (FDA) Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#F7378
Propidium Iodide Sigma-Aldrich Cat#P4170
Methylene Blue Sigma-Aldrich Cat#M4159
DAPI Sigma-Aldrich Cat#D9542
Fluoromount-G, with DAPI Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#00-4959-52
DPX mountant media Sigma-Aldrich Cat#06522
CliniMACS CD133 microbeads Miltenyi Biotec Cat#172-01

Critical commercial assays

BCA protein assay Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#23227
MycoAlert Assay Control set Lonza Cat#LT07-518
SYTOX-AAAdvanced Dead Cell Stain Kit Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat# S10349
Cell Titer-Blue Promega Cat#G8080
Human Albumin ELISA kit Alpha Diagnostic Cat#1190
SMARTer Stranded Total RNA-Seq Kit v2 - Pico Input Mammalian Takara Bio Cat#634411
DNA HS kit Agilent Cat#23225
Poly-A mRNA magnetic isolation module NEB Cat#E7490
NEBNEXT Ultra II Directional RNA Library Prep Kit NEB Cat#E6440
RNeasy Micro kit QIAGEN Cat#74004
RNeasy Mini kit QIAGEN Cat#74106
QuantiTect Reverse Transcription Kit QIAGEN Cat#205313
QuantiFast SYBR Green PCR kit QIAGEN Cat#204056
V-PLEX Proinflammatory Panel 1 mouse kit Meso Scale Diagnostic Cat#K15048D-1
V-PLEX Cytokine Panel 1 Mouse Kit Meso Scale Diagnostic Cat#K15245D
AMPure XP beads Beckman Coulter Cat#A63880

Deposited data

hBEC seq analysis This paper GEO: GSE155498

Experimental models: Cell lines

Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells (hMSC) isolated from liposuction waste and visceral adipose tissue Scottish National Blood Transfusion service N/A

Experimental models: Organisms/strains

Mouse line: K19CreERTMDM2fl/fl
This paper N/A


Primers for mouse genotyping This paper Table S2
QIAGEN primers for RT-qPCR (Human) This paper Table S6
QIAGEN primers for RT-qPCR (Mouse) This paper Table S6

Software and algorithms

FlowJo (v10.7.1) Becton Dickinson N/A
Columbus Image Analysis Perkin Elmer N/A
TIBCO Spotfire software Tibco software Inc N/A
FastQC (v.0.11.9) Andrews, 2010
MultiQC (v.1.3.dev0) Ewels et al., 2016 N/A
Cutadapt (v.1.16) Martin, 2011 N/A
STAR (v.2.7.1a) Dobin et al., 2013 N/A
Rsubread Bioconductor package (v.2.0.1) Liao et al., 2019 N/A
DESeq2 (v.1.26.0) Love et al., 2014 N/A
GSEA PreRanked (v.4.0.3) Subramanian et al., 2005 N/A
MSigDB Hallmark Gene Set Liberzon et al., 2015
Gene Ontology project Ashburner et al., 2000
AmiGO tool (v.2.5.13) Carbon et al., 2009
ArrayExpress (E-MTAB-8495) Sampaziotis et al., 2021 N/A
OSCA Bioconductor workflow Amezquita et al., 2020 N/A
EmptyDrops Lun et al., 2019 N/A
Q-Imaging, Image Pro premier software Media Cybernetics QCAM version
Fiji ImageJ GNU General Public License
Prism software version 5.0a GraphPad


Tibbs Cannulas DTR Medical Cat#TAC20SO
Vicryl 6/0 Ethicon Cat#W9981
GentleMACS C-tubes Miltenyi Biotec Cat#130-093-237
Disposable sterile scalpels Swann-Morton Cat#0503
Cell strainer 70 um Fisher Scientific Cat#22363548
12 well Suspension Culture plate Greiner Bio-One Cat# 665102
Corning Cell Culture Flasks Corning Cat#CLS431081
RM1 + 0.1% DDC (P) Special Diets Services Cat#824943
Rat and Mouse No. 1 Maintenance (RM1) diet Special Diets Services Cat#801151