Figure 3. Neuro-PASC Negatively Affects Quality Of Life and Cognition.
Normalized and demographic-matched T score values for Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS-57; A) quality of life and NIH Toolbox (B) cognitive assessment for posthospitalized neuro-PASC patients (PNP) and nonhopitalized neuro-PASC patients (NNP). United States normative population T score mean/median of 50 (δ = 10) is indicated by a broken black line. Scores lower than 50 for cognition, processing speed, attention, executive function, and working memory indicate poor outcomes. Scores higher than 50 for fatigue, anxiety, depression, and sleep disturbance indicate poor outcomes. One-sample 2-tailed t test p values between patient group and normative population and between-group 2-tailed t test are provided in the table. *p ≤ 0.05.