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. 2021 Apr 29;43(1):743–753. doi: 10.1080/0886022X.2021.1918558

Table 1.

Baseline of characteristics of studies of systematic review and meta-analysis.

Study Country Type Sample size Mean age
Male (%)
DM (%)
Follow-up duration (month) Reported outcome Adjusted
Ye H 2017 [15] China Retrospec-tive 1321 48.1 ± 15.3 58.7 23.5 34 (21–48) All-cause and cardiovas-cular mortality age, sex, DM, CVD, ALB, 24 h urine output, Hb, P
Xiang S
2019 [16]
China Retrospec-tive 9405 52.5 ± 14.6 54.9 12.2 34.5 ± 23.2 All-cause and cardiovas-cular
DM, CVD, Ca, RRF, Hb, Cr, ALB, PTH, potassium,
natrium, P, fasting plasma
Xue Y 2019 [17] China Retrospec-tive 748   50.1   6.23 (2.423–
All-cause and
cardiovas-cular mortality
age, Cr, urea, ALB, Hb, Ca, DM, P, DBP, CHD, eGFR
Hwang SD 2019 [18] Korea Retrospec-tive 6071 65.8 ± 13.7 57.5 36.1 90.96 ± 54.34 All-cause mortality age, sex, DM, ALB, Hb, SBP, DBP, PNA, cholesterol, total body water, urine duration, Kt/Vurea week total, Cr clearance weekly
Lai KJ 2018 [19] China Retrospec-tive 492 53.5 ± 15.3 48 34.6 36.4 All-cause and cardiovas-cular
age, sex, BMI, smoking,
medication, comorbidi-ties, PD related parameters, laboratory data
Jung HY 2018 [20] Korea Prospective 953 57.2 ± 12.8 58.6 45 36.0 ± 16.2 All-cause and cardiovas-cular mortality age, sex, BMI, SBP, DBP, DM, smoking, myocardial infarction, LDL, HDL, total cholesterol, dialysis vintage
Liu Y 2017 [21] China Retrospec-tive 667   42.9 24.7 32.64 All-cause and cardiovas-cular
age, sex, 24 h urinary output, Hb, ALB, Ca, AST, P, ALT, PTH
Rhee CM 2014 [22] USA Retrospec-tive 9244 54 ± 15 52 49 32.4 (15.6–51.6) All-cause mortality age, sex, race, DM, BMI, CVD, smoking, ferritin, dialysis vintage, primary insurance, marital status
Liu X 2014 [23] China Retrospec-tive 1021 47.5 ± 15.5 59.1 22.8 31 (19–45) All-cause and cardiovas-cular
age, sex, 24 h urinary output, BP, ALB, Hb, comorbidity
score, ALT, AST, P, Ca, iPTH, phosphate binders use
Li W 2017 [24] China Retrospec-tive 1228 46.96 ± 14.9 61.2 25.5 35 (18.7–52.3) All-cause and cardiovas-cular
age, sex, BMI, DM, CVD, Hb, ALB, TG, uric acid, MAP, rGFR
Lee S 2017 [25] Korea Prospective 1152 54 (45–64) 56.5 34.8 52.8 ± 20.4 All-cause mortality age, sex, MCCI, BMI, ALB, ALP, Ca, P, SGA, uric acid
Kim YK 2014 [26] Korea Prospective 900 56 ± 12 57 32 24 (14 − 27) All-cause mortality age, sex, DM,
Davies comorbidity score
Prasad N 2014 [27] India Prospective 328 52.6 ± 12.6 73.8 53.7 20.0 ± 14.3 All-cause mortality age, SGA, DM, ALB,
comorbidities, rGFR
Tian Y 2016 [28] China Retrospec-tive 294 50.8 ± 14.0 62.2 14.3 33.3 (17.3–52.8) All-cause mortality age, time to first peritonitis,
cholesterol, DM, eGFR,
ALB, CCI score
Feng S 2016 [29] China Retrospec-tive 189 57.5 ± 15.9 56.1 51.3   All-cause mortality age, DM, ALB, CRP, RRF
Liu X 2016 [30] China Retrospec-tive 1778 47.4 ± 15.6 59.5 25.3 35 (17–56) All-cause and cardiovas-cular
age, sex, PD inception
Yang X 2016 [9] China Retrospec-tive 10692 56 ± 16 55 40 13 (7–23) All-cause mortality age, sex, DM, race, primary insurance, geographic location, ESRD reason, prior transplant, comorbidities, laboratory
Cai K 2016 [10] China Retrospec-tive 253 58 ± 16 55.3 22.9 29 (4–120) All-cause and cardiovas-cular
age, sex, DM, rGFR, MAP,
urinary output, sodium, Cr clearance, malnutrition,
bone disorder-related factors
Wu X 2016 [31] China Retrospec-tive 1068 48.0 ± 15.4 58.8 23.1 21.7 ± 14.1 All-cause mortality age, heart disease, DM, stroke, MAP, Hb, ALB, hs-CRP, time to first peritonitis
Xiong L 2015 [32] China Retrospec-tive 1263 47.8 ± 15.0 58.6 24.1 25.3 (3.03–
All-cause and cardiovas-cular
age, sex, DM, CVD, MAP, Hb, ALB, hs-CRP, TG, rGFR, Kt/Vurea, total cholesterol
Xu Q 2014 [12] China Retrospec-tive 886 48.5 ± 15.4 57.1 23.9 31 (0.5–81.0) All-cause and cardiovas-cular mortality age, sex, BMI, DM, Hb, ALB, CCI, hs-CRP
Dong J 2014 [33] China Retrospec-tive 2264 58.1 ± 15.5 49.1 37.7 26.5 (13.6–43.6) All-cause and cardiovas-cular
age, sex, RRF, ALB, Hb, P, CRP, CVD, DM, MAP, BMI, LDL
Torlen K 2012 [34] Sweden Retrospec-tive 10468 56 ± 16 53 49 27 All-cause and cardiovas-cular
age, sex, DM, race, dialysis vintage, Hb, primary insurance, marital status, BMI, smoking, CVD, cancer, ferritin, ALP, WBC, ALB, Cr, Ca, P, PTH, total iron binding capacity
2003 [35]
China Prospective 246 55 ± 12 52 31 24 (2–34) All-cause and cardiovas-cular
age, weight, height, BMI, CVD, DBP, LV mass index, LV end-diastolic diameter,
LV ejection fraction, LV
fractional shortening
Guan JC
2015 [36]
China Retrospec-tive 102   57.8   22.6 All-cause mortality age, ALB, Hb, glycated Hb A1c, clearance of Cr, RRF, PNA
Rumpsfe-ld M 2006 [37] Australia Retrospec-tive 3702 59.4 ± 14.8 53.9 38.1   All-cause mortality age, sex, race, smoking, BMI, weekly Kt/V, RRF, vintage year, PD modality, hyperten-sion,chronic lung disease, DM, coronary artery disease, peripheral vascular disease, cerebrovas-cular disease

Hb: hemoglobulin; PTH: parathyroid hormone; DM: diabetes mellitus; RRF: residual renal function; ALB: albumin; hs-CRP: hypersensitive C-reactive protein; CVD: cardiovascular disease; TG: total triglyceride; WBC: white blood cell; LDL: low density lipoprotein; HDL: high density lipoprotein; BMI: body mass index; BP: blood pressure; SBP: systolic blood pressure; DBP: diastolic blood pressure; Ca: calcium; Cr: creatinine; eGFR: estimated glomerular filtration rate; rGFR: residual glomerular filtration rate; MAP: mean arterial pressure; SGA: subjective global assessment; PNA: protein equivalent of total nitrogen appearance; MCCI, modified Charlson comorbidity index.