Table 1.
Demographics, tumor location, tumor type, molecular tumor profile and progression-free survival for all patients
ID | Gender, age | Tumor location | Tumor type | Molecular status | BBB break down | Recurrency/progressive disease (months) |
1 | M, 70 | R parietal | GBM °IV | IDH1/2 WT, ATRX retention, MGMT non-methylated | Yes | 21 |
2 | F, 61 | L parieto-temporal | GBM °IV | IDH1/2 WT, ATRX retention, MGMT non-methylated | No | 3 |
3 | F, 54 | R temporal | Giant cell GBM °IV | IDH1/2 WT, ATRX retention, MGMT intermediate methylated | Yes | |
4 | F, 46 | R Temporo-insular | Diffuse astro-cytoma °II | IDH1 pos, 1p/19q no LoH, ATRX retention | No | |
5 | F, 29 | L frontal | Diffuse astro-cytoma °II | IDH1 pos, 1p/19q no LoH, ATRX loss | (Yes) | |
6 | M, 70 | R temporo-insular-frontal | Anaplastic astro-cytoma °III | IDH1/2 WT, ATRX retention, MGMT methylated | No | 11 |
7 | F, 63 | L insular | GBM °IV | IDH1/2 WT, ATRX retention, MGMT non-methylated | Yes | |
8 | F, 52 | R occipital | GBM °IV | IDH1/2 WT, ATRX retention, MGMT non-methylated | Yes | 15 |
9 | F, 58 | R parieto-insular | GBM °IV | IDH1/2 WT, ATRX retention, MGMT non-methylated | Yes | 7 |
10 | M, 69 | L parietal | GBM °IV | IDH1/2 WT, ATRX retention, MGMT methylated | Yes | 1 |
11 | M, 43 | L fronto-insular | LGG | N/A | (Yes) |
BBB blood–brain barrier (= contrast enhancement), F female, GBM glioblastoma multiforme, IDH isocitrate dehydrogenase, L left, LGG low-grade glioma, LoH loss of heterozygosity, M male, MGMT O-6-methylguanine-DNA-methyltransferase, R right, WT wild type, (Yes) faint contrast enhancement