Table 5.
Study | Modality/ MRI field | Number/female (age ± SD y) | Tumor Type/WHO grade | Treatment | Imaging | Main finding |
Chen [120] | 3T | 14/14F (66 ± 5) | Breast I-III | CTx | QSM | ↔ QSM in caudate, globus pallidus, putamen, thalamus at 1 m, 5 m vs HC |
13/13F (68 ± 6) | HC | No | ||||
Cushing [121] | 3T | 20/?F (?) | GBM IV | RTx 60 Gy, TMZ, ASCH | QSM | ↔ QSM in ASCH + and ASCH- group at T1 vs T0 |
Mehrabian [122] | 3T | 16/3F (55 ± ?) | GBM IV | RTx 60 Gy, TMZ | qMT | ↔ qMT in NAWM at 3-8 m vs T0 |
Cushing [121] | 3T | 20/?F (?) | GBM IV | RTx 60 Gy, TMZ, ASCH | T2* | ↔ T2* in ASCH + and ASCH- group at T1 vs T0 |
Steen [123] | 1.5T | 21/?F (10 ± ?) | CNS I-IV | 3D-CRTx 56 Gy, CTx | T1 | T1↓ 4.5% in GM and WM at 0.8y vs T0 |
Billiet [115] | 3T | 25/25F (44 ± 6) | Breast I-III | RTx 92%, TMX 60%, FEC | MWI, DKI, NODDI | ↔ MK, ODI, NDI, Viso, MWF at 3-4y |
14/14F (43 ± 6) | Breast I-II | RTx 79%, TMX 79% | ||||
15/15F (42 ± 5) | HC | No | ||||
Chakhoyan [114] | 3T | 23/?F (57 ± ?) | GBM IV | RTx 60 Gy, TMZ | DKI | ↔ MK in NAWM contralateral to the tumor vs T0 |
Romero-Garcia [113] | 3T | 17/8F (36 ± 10) | Glioma I-IV | RCTx 71% | NODDI | Pre-operative NDI correlated with recovered memory, recovery in NDI correlated with memory scores |
Sleurs [119] | 3T | 33/?F (23 ± 4) | non-CNS | CTx | NODDI, DKI | Viso↑ in central WM, NDI↑ in corticospinal tract vs HC at 9y |
34/?F (22 ± 4) | HC | No | ||||
Stouten-Kemperman [118] | 3T | 27/0F (43 ± 8) | Testicules | BEP | DKI | Radial kurtosis↑ 9% vs CTx- |
18/0F (48 ± 10) | HC | No | ||||
Tso [117] | 3T | 20/5F (14 ± 3) | GCT | RCTx (30-54 Gy), Surgery (30%) | DKI | MK↓ in WM, ↔ in GM, at 6.5y (range 1.2–12.2y) |
Wu [116] | 3T | 56/22F (47 ± 11) | NPC II-IV | IMRTx 68-72 Gy, CPT, DTX | DKI | MK↓ 11%,34% in WM; 12%,39% in GM at 1w,12 m vs T0 |
Wu [126] | 3T | 54/15F (49 ± 13) | NPC II-IV | IMRTx 68-72 Gy, CPT, DTX | DKI | Axial, radial MK↓ at 1 m in cogn-decline vs non-decline at 2y |
Tumor type: CNS central nervous system, GBM glioblastoma, GCT germ cell tumor, HC healthy control, NPC nasopharyngeal carcinoma, WHO World Health Organization
Treatment type: FEC 5 fluorouracil, epirubicin, and CP, ASCH ascorbate, BEP bleomycin, etoposide, and CPT, CTx chemotherapy, CPT cisplatin, CRTx conformal RTx, DTX docetaxel, IMRTx intensity-modulated RTx, RTx radiotherapy, TMX tamoxifen, TMZ temozolomide
Imaging: DKI diffusion kurtosis imaging, MWI myelin water imaging, NODDI neurite orientation dispersion and density imaging, qMT quantitative magnetization transfer, QSM quantitative susceptibility mapping
Findings: GM gray matter, MK mean kurtosis, MWI myelin water fraction, NDI neurite density index, NAWM normal-appearing WM, ODI orientation dispersion index, Viso volume isotropy, WM white matter