Individual longitudinal trajectories of neopterin (A-C) and p75ECD (D-F) for 29 ALS patients. Neopterin increased from symptom onset at a rate of 4.5 μmol neopterin/mol creatinine per month (A; CI: 2.2-6.8, p<0.0001); from time of diagnosis (B) at a rate of 6.8 μmol neopterin/ mol creatinine per month (95% confidence interval (CI) 4.6-9.1; p <0.0001) and baseline (C) at a rate of 6.8 μmol neopterin/ mol creatinine per month (CI: 4.1-9.5, p<0.0001). p75ECD also increased from time of symptom onset (D, 0.15 ng p75ECD/mg creatinine/ month, CI 0.1-0.2, p<0.0001); diagnosis (E, 0.19 ng/mg creatinine/ month, CI: 0.14-0.23, p<0.0001) and baseline (F, 0.19 ng/mg creatinine/ month, CI 0.14–0.24, p<0.0001). Each patient was sampled at least twice. Faster progressors (>0.49 ΔFRS) are in red.