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. 2022 Mar 3;11(2):20584601221077074. doi: 10.1177/20584601221077074

Table 2.

Comparisons of general imaging features of hemangioblastomas, pilocytic astrocytomas, and metastatic tumors on conventional and advanced MRI.

Hemangioblastomas Pilocytic astrocytomas Metastatic tumors
Age Adults Children Adults
Morphology Cyst with a mural nodule, solid, cyst, solid and cyst Cyst with a mural nodule, Solid Solid with necrosis
Number Single Single Multiple > single
Flow voids + +
rCBV Prominent increased Mild increased Mild to prominent increased
ADC Increased Iso to increased Decreased to mild increased
Lip/Lac + (Lip) + (Lac) + (Lip/Lac)
Cho or + ++ ++

MRI: magnetic resonance imaging; rCBV: cerebral blood volume; ADC: apparent diffusion coefficiency; Lip/Lac: lipid and/or lactate; +: present; Cho: choline; −: absent; ++: elevated; NAA: N-acetylaspartate.