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. 2022 Feb 22;13:827866. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2022.827866

Table 2.

EEG language studies.

References N, stroke patients Controls Stroke acuity at EEG collection EEG data collection N, channels State in EEG collected EEG connectivity technique Networks/regions investigated Collected clinical scores Main findings
Jabbari et al. (65) 53 No Acute Cross-sectional 16 Resting Semi quantitative analysis of slowing Language network PICA Patients with pronounced slow wave activity (<8 Hz) had no or poor language recovery.
Szelies et al. (67) 23 Healthy Subacute Longitudinal 19 Resting LC and PSA Bilateral hemispheres Token test Low laterality coefficient in speech relevant regions of delta- and theta-band activity predicted good recovery.
Hensel et al. (25) 11 Healthy Subacute and chronic Longitudinal 30 Behavioral-triggered Delta amplitude, delta dipole location and strength Bilateral frontoparietal networks AAT Decreased left hemisphere delta-band activity corresponded to language recovery in the first year post-stroke, but not in the second year post-stroke.
Spironelli and Angrilli (69) 17 Healthy Chronic Cross-sectional 19 Behavioral-triggered PSA Bilateral hemispheres AAT Delta-band activity in language areas was higher in aphasics. Differential slow wave activity in various language tasks.
Spironelli et al. (125) 11 Healthy Chronic Cross-sectional 38 Behavioral-triggered High-beta band (21–28 Hz), an index of cognitive cortical arousal Bilateral hemispheres clustered as anterior, central, posterior AAT Phonological task; controls showed greater beta-band activity on the left hemisphere compared to right, whereas patients had an inverted pattern of lateralization. Reduced beta activity in perilesional areas.
Stojanovic et al. (68) 32 Healthy Subacute Cross-sectional 32 Resting PSA Bilateral frontoparietal networks BDAE Increased asymmetry in patients but decreased after 2 months of treatment in the subgroup of patients with good recovery.
Iyer et al. (29) 10 Healthy Chronic Longitudinal 128 Behavioral-triggered Dynamic causal modeling for Event related potentials Language Network (aMTG, pSTG, IFG, IPG, OTG) Picture naming Pre-treatment DCM coupling between left IPG and IFG correlated with naming improvement after treatment. Aphasics with good recovery had reduced coupling in contralateral regions post-treatment.
Dalton et al. (66) 21 Healthy Chronic Longitudinal 64 Resting PSA Bilateral hemispheres WAB-AQ Greater theta and lower beta in patients. Theta negatively correlated with language performance.
Kawano et al. (58) 31 Healthy Subacute Cross-sectional 19 Resting Phase synchrony index (PSI) Fronto-temporoparietal language network Standard Language Test of Aphasia The frontofrontal PSI was lower in aphasics and correlated positively with aphasia scores, whereas the right frontotemporal PSI was higher in aphasics and correlated negatively with aphasia scores.
*Nicolo et al. (70) 24 Healthy Subacute Longitudinal 128 Resting FC mapping with the open-source toolbox NUTMEG Connectivity in M1s in bilateral IFG Geneva Bedside Aphasia Score, Nine Hole Peg, FMA-UE Baseline beta in lesioned motor correlated with motor recovery, Beta at Broca correlated with language recovery. Global recovery associated with contralesional theta.

Combined language and motor systems.

AAT, Aachen Aphasia Test; aMTG, anterior middle temporal gyrus; BDAE, Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination; Chronic, 6 or more months post-stroke; CNV, Contingent Negative Variation; Acute, 0–2 weeks post-stroke; IFG, inferior frontal gyrus; IPG, inferior parietal gyrus; OTG, occipitotemporal gyrus; pSTG, posterior superior temporal gyrus; Subacute, 2 weeks-6 months post-stroke; WAB-AQ, Western Aphasia Battery-Aphasia Quotient; PICA, Porch Index of Communicative Ability.