Table B.11.
Set number | Search | No of records |
#1 | TI=(bridgmanis* OR bridgmaniz* OR "high isostatic pressur*" OR "high hydrostatic pressur*" OR (("high pressure*" OR HP OR "ultrahigh pressure*" OR UHP OR HPP OR HHP) NEAR/3 (applicat* OR pasteur* OR preserv* OR process* OR sterilis* OR steriliz* OR technolog* OR technique* OR treat* OR inactivat*)) OR ((HPP OR HHP) AND pressure) OR Pascalisation* OR Pascalization*) OR AB=(bridgmanis* OR bridgmaniz* OR "high isostatic pressure*" OR "high hydrostatic pressure*" OR (("high pressure*" OR HP OR "ultrahigh pressure*" OR UHP OR HPP OR HHP) NEAR/3 (applicat* OR pasteur* OR preserv* OR process* OR sterilis* OR steriliz* OR technolog* OR technique* OR treat* OR inactivat*) ) OR ((HPP OR HHP) AND pressure) OR Pascalisation* OR Pascalization*) OR AK=(bridgmanis* OR bridgmaniz* OR "high isostatic pressur*" OR "high hydrostatic pressur*" OR (("high pressure*" OR HP OR "ultrahigh pressure*" OR UHP OR HPP OR HHP) NEAR/3 (applicat* OR pasteur* OR preserv* OR process* OR sterilis* OR steriliz* OR technolog* OR technique* OR treat* OR inactivat*)) OR ((HPP OR HHP) AND pressure) OR Pascalisation* OR Pascalization*) | 21,262 ( a ) |
#2 | TS = (milk OR colostrum) | 229,681 ( a ) |
#3 | #1 AND #2 | 1,093 ( a ) |
DocType = All document types; Language = All languages; Timespan = All years.