Figure 3. Male genital tract signal in LP14.
(A, B, and C) PET/CT images highlighting the lower abdomen of LP14 from the whole-body scan. Front (A), rotated 45° (B), and side (C) views are all shown. Right and left labeled in front view. Red arrow in B and C shows location of baculum in CT scan. (D and E) PET signal with CT overlay removed to highlight signal in MGT, front (D) and side (E) views shown. (F, H, and J) Isolated 3D volume of MGT from whole body scan overlaid with CT images. Side (F), rotated 45° (H), and front (J) views shown. (G, I, and K) Isolated 3D volume of MGT used in overlays (F, H, and J) shown with same views. (L) Overlay of single z-plane of PET signal from organ scan onto image of testis of LP14. (M) PET signal from single z-plane of organ scan used in (L). (N) Image of LP14 testis used in (L). (O) 3D volume of PET signal from organ scan of single testis in previous panels.