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. 2022 Jan 21;3(1):e214599. doi: 10.1001/jamahealthforum.2021.4599

Table 1. Baseline Characteristics of Community-Dwelling Persons With Dementia, Persons With Parkinson Disease, and Older Adults During the Historical and COVID-19 Pandemic Periods in Ontario, Canadaa.

Characteristic Dementia Parkinson disease Older adultsb
2019 2020 2019 2020 2019 2020
No. 133 142 131 466 30 052 30 606 2 245 915 2 363 742
Age, y
Mean (SD) 80.1 (10.1) 80.1 (10.1) 73.6 (10.3) 73.7 (10.2) 73.8 (7.1) 74.0 (7.1)
Median (IQR) 82 (74-87) 82 (74-87) 74 (67-81) 74 (67-81) 72 (68-78) 72 (68-78)
Age groups, No. (%)
40-64 y 10 938 (8.2) 10 717 (8.2) 5564 (18.5) 5545 (18.1) NA NA
65-74 y 22 801 (17.1) 22 772 (17.3) 9689 (32.2) 9849 (32.2) 1 370 378 (61.0) 1 430 108 (60.5)
75-84 y 49 609 (37.3) 48 065 (37.3) 10 455 (34.8) 10 822 (35.4) 656 921 (29.2) 695 647 (29.4)
≥85 y 49 794 (37.4) 48 912 (37.2) 4344 (14.5) 4390 (14.3) 218 616 (9.7) 237 987 (10.1)
Female 76 428 (57.4) 75 538 (57.5) 12 297 (40.9) 12 593 (41.1) 1 207 166 (53.7) 1 271 551(53.8)
Male 56 714 (42.6) 55 928 (42.5) 17 755 (59.1) 18 013 (58.9) 1 038 749 (46.3) 1 092 191(46.2)
Rural 12 049 (9.3) 12 088 (9.2) 3148 (10.5) 3197 (10.4) 287 354 (12.8) 302 649 (12.8)
Income quintile, No. (%)
1 (Lowest) 30 858 (23.2) 29 937 (22.8) 5902 (19.6) 5920 (19.3) 433 922 (19.3) 452 636 (19.1)
2 28 905 (21.7) 28 482 (21.7) 6045 (20.1) 6185 (20.2) 463 900 (20.7) 485 801 (20.6)
3 25 714 (19.3) 25 363 (19.3) 5976 (19.9) 6030 (19.7) 450 174 (20.0) 474 224 (20.1)
4 23 329 (17.5) 23 246 (17.7) 5707 (19.0) 5828 (19.0) 430 892 (19.2) 456 427 (19.3)
5 (Highest) 23 603 (17.7) 23 714 (18.0) 6319 (21.0) 6539 (21.4) 461 369 (20.5) 488 684 (20.7)
Disease duration, y, mean (SD) 4.2 (4.2) 4.5 (4.3) 6.1 (5.5) 6.3 (5.6) NA NA
No. of chronic conditionsc
Mean (SD) 5.0 (2.0) 4.9 (2.0) 3.5 (2.0) 3.5 (2.0) 2.9 (1.8) 2.9 (1.8)
0-1 2949 (2.2) 3373 (2.6) 4896 (16.3) 5192 (17.0) 517 579 (23.0) 558 203 (23.6)
2 9806 (7.4) 9997 (7.6) 5339 (17.8) 5545 (18.1) 504 178 (22.4) 533 997 (22.6)
3 19 635 (14.7) 19 804 (15.1) 5888 (19.6) 6064 (19.8) 484 748 (21.6) 508 528 (21.5)
4 26 039 (19.6) 25 902 (19.7) 5294 (17.6) 5245 (17.1) 345 135 (15.4) 358 310 (15.2)
≥5 74 713 (56.1) 72 390 (55.1) 8635 (28.7) 8560 (28.0) 394 275 (17.6) 404 704 (17.1)

Abbreviation: NA, not applicable.


2019 refers to the historical period as of March 3, 2019; 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic period as of March 1, 2020.


Older adults are defined as persons aged 65 years and older without a diagnosis of neurodegenerative diseases.


Chronic conditions include acute myocardial infarction (AMI); osteoarthritis; other arthritis; rheumatoid arthritis; asthma; cancer; cardiac arrhythmia; heart failure; chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; coronary syndrome (excluding AMI); dementia; diabetes; hypertension; mood, anxiety, depression, and other nonpsychotic disorders; other mental illnesses; osteoporosis; kidney failure; stroke (excluding transient ischemic attack).