Fig. 4.
Whole scan connectivity: Significant differences in contralateral dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (dlPFC) whole scan connectivity between controls and migraineurs in the period immediately prior to a migraine headache. Significant clusters are overlaid onto a mean T1-weighted anatomical image. Slice locations in Montreal Neurological Institute space are indicated to the top right of each slice. The dlPFC seed is shown in the lower right inset. Note that connectivity strengths were significantly reduced in a number of brain regions including the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), putamen, ventroposterior (VP) thalamus, primary motor cortex (M1) and the hypothalamus. Plots of mean (±SEM) beta values (effect sizes) revealed that whole scan connectivity values decreased significantly in migraineurs only during the 24-h period immediately prior to migraine, that is, they were not different between controls and migraineurs during the interictal phase. Beta values indicate the strength of functional connectivity between the dlPFC and respective brain regions