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. 2022 Mar 8;22:464. doi: 10.1186/s12889-022-12850-5

Table 3.

Health profile of survey respondents

Whole cohort
N = 1390
N = 549 (39.5%)
N = 837 (60.2%)
n % n % n % Χ2 (df) p
Body Mass Index
 Under or normal weight 252 18.1% 79 14.8% 173 21.1% 19.8 (2) < 0.001
 Overweight 350 25.2% 119 22.2% 229 28.0%
 Obese 755 54.3% 337 63.0% 416 50.9%
 BMI- mean (SD) 31.95 (6.99) 33.10 (7.47) 31.19 (6.56)
Number of diagnosed health conditions
 No conditions 346 24.9% 133 24.7% 212 25.7% 0.7 (3) 0.885
 1 condition 364 26.2% 139 25.8% 222 26.9%
 2 conditions 248 17.8% 102 18.9% 146 17.7%
  ≥ 3 conditions 410 29.5% 165 30.6% 245 29.7%
 Mean (SD) 1.85 (1.85) 1.86 (1.87) 1.85 (1.85)
Psychological distress
 None or low 695 50.0% 296 53.9% 397 47.4% 8.8 (2) 0.012
 Moderate 510 36.7% 196 35.7% 313 37.4%
 Severe 185 13.3% 57 10.4% 127 15.2%
General Health
 Very good/Excellent 437 31.4% 169 30.8% 268 32.0% 0.3 (2) 0.851
 Good 538 38.7% 212 38.6% 323 38.6%
 Poor/Fair 415 29.9% 168 30.6% 246 29.4%
Pain - intensity
 None 523 37.6% 198 36.1% 324 38.7% 4.9 (3) 0.183
 Mild 321 23.1% 116 21.1% 203 24.3%
 Moderate 398 28.6% 172 31.3% 225 26.9%
 Severe 148 10.6% 63 11.5% 85 10.2%
Pain – duration
  < 3 months 245 17.6% 80 14.7% 164 19.7% 12.3 (2) 0.006
 3–12 months 131 9.4% 50 9.2% 81 9.7%
  > 12 months 482 34.7% 218 40.0% 262 31.5%
Work ability
 Poor 200 14.4% 85 15.5% 115 13.7% 3.4 (3) 0.334
 Moderate 232 16.7% 82 14.9% 148 17.7%
 Good 565 40.6% 217 39.5% 346 41.3%
 Excellent 393 28.3% 165 30.1% 228 27.2%
 Health related quality of life mean SD mean SD mean SD t p
 – utility score - 0.83 0.16 0.83 0.17 0.84 0.16 0.7 0.7
 EQ-VAS scale score 72.2 19.8 72 20.5 72.4 19.4 0.4 0.209