Figure 3. 4-Vinylanisole (4-VA) promotes sexual maturation synchrony in young females by enhancing juvenile hormone/vitellogenin (JH/Vg) signaling pathway at post adult eclosion (PAE) 3–4 days.
(A) The 4-VA effects on sexual maturity of gregarious virgin females at different developmental stages. (B) Dosage effects on electroantennography (EAG) responses of females to 4-VA at different developmental stages. EAG responses to 4-VA with different concentrations were recorded in the antennae of female adults aged at PAE 2 days, PAE 4 days, and PAE 6 days, respectively (n = 7–11). (C) Volcano plot of RNA-seq in the corpus cardiacum-corpora allatum (CC-CA) complex of gregarious females after 4-VA stimulation at PAE 3–4 days. Red dots indicate genes related to JH metabolism. (D) Expression changes of JH metabolism-related genes in the CC-CA by 4-VA stimulation. Red and blue indicate upregulated and downregulated, respectively. (E) JH titers in the hemolymph, (F) the mRNA levels, (G) the protein levels of Vg in the fat body, and (H) the protein levels of Vg in the ovary of gregarious females after 4-VA stimulation at different developmental stages. Dark lines in violin plot indicate median value. White dotted lines indicate upper and lower quartiles, respectively; columns show means ± SEM. Consistency analysis of maturity was analyzed using Levene’s test. The mRNA and protein levels were analyzed using Student’s t-test. The number of biological replicates and p values were shown in the figures. n.s., not significant.