A) Diagram showing the backbone of a modified,
EpGFPII reporter construct containing the endogenous
Sp-kirrelL promoter upstream of the
Sp-endo16 promoter. (
B) Spatial expression patterns of the modified GFP reporter constructs containing the various
Sp-kirrelL elements indicated (elements B, C, E, F, H, and I). (
C) Analysis of C element enhancer activity in modified
EpGFPII reporter constructs. (
D) Analysis of C.ChIP element enhancer activity in constructs containing wild-type (WT) or shuffled C element spacer sequences. Criteria for strong and weak primary mesenchyme cell (PMC) expression are defined in
Figure 2. (
E) Spatial expression patterns of the GFP reporter constructs. Top rows: GFP fluorescence. Bottom rows: GFP fluorescence overlayed onto differential interference contrast (DIC) images. Scale bar: 50 μm.