Table 3.
Seroconversion rates after vaccination with M-M-RII, alone or with other routine vaccinations
Seroconversion rates (%) |
Category | Measles | Mumps | Rubella |
By age groupa | |||
<12 monthsb | 87.4 | 92.3 | 91.2 |
12 months–3 yearsc | 92.8–100 | 91.1–100 | 92.8–100 |
4–6 yearsd | 99.3–100 | 100 | 99.4–100 |
≥7 yearse | 96.0–100 | 94.5–100f | 91.3–100 |
By dose number, 12 months–6 years | |||
First doseg | 87.5–100 | 90.0–100 | 92.0–100 |
Second doseh | 98.4–100 | 98.6–100 | 99.6–100 |
Concomitant use with other vaccine(s), first dose | |||
M-M-RII alonei,j,k | 90.4–100 | 90.0–100 | 90.0–100 |
Diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis and (oral or inactivated) poliovirus (DTaP)i,j,l | 95.0–100 | 97.0–100 | 92.0–100 |
Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)i,m | 95.7–99.4 | 98.4–100 | 97.0–100 |
Hepatitis Ai,n | 96.3–100 | 97.6–100 | 98.3–100 |
Hepatitis Bj,o | 100 | 100 | 100 |
Influenzai,p | 97.0 | >96.0 | >97.0 |
Japanese encephalitisi,q | 97.6–100 | 98.8–99.5 | 100 |
Varicellai,r | 87.5–100 | 79.5–100 | 92.8–100 |
Concomitant use with other vaccine(s), second dose | |||
M-M-RII alonei,s | 99.3 | 100 | 100 |
DTaPi,j,t | 98.9–100 | 98.9–100 | 99.4–100 |
Hepatitis Bj,o | 100 | 100 | 100 |
Varicellai,u | 100 | 100 | 100 |
Alternative administration methodsv | |||
Intramuscularw | 94.3 | 97.7 | 98.1 |
Assays used and time for collection of sera may have differed across the studies. Some studies are reported in more than one of the references cited.
aSubjects ≤3 years of age received a first or first and second dose of M-M-RII; subjects ≥4 years of age received a second or possible third dose of M-M-RII.
bReference: 149
fMost studies in this age group reported a range of 94.5–100% for mumps seropositivity. The authors of the paper that reported the single low outlier of 65% stated that ‘the mumps antibody levels obtained with the present tests may not accurately reflect actual immunity.’153
iRanges include data from participants 12 months to 6 years of age.
jRanges include data from participants ≥7 years of age.
oReference: 53
pReference: 70
qReference: 61
vTwo studies assessed the safety and immunogenicity of M-M-RII delivered by alternative, non-licensed methods – aerosol or needle-free jet injector.90,134 Immunogenicity by aerosol administration was 100%, 98.3%, and 100% for measles, mumps, and rubella, respectively. Immunogenicity in the needle-free jet injector study was reported as geometric mean ratios (GMR) for each antibody compared to a positive control. The values for the GMR at week 12 by needle-jet injector versus subcutaneous administration for measles, mumps, and rubella were 0.74 versus 0.89, 0.94 versus 0.90, and 2.07 versus 1.87, respectively.
wReference: 58