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. 2022 Feb 7;17(12):5372–5383. doi: 10.1080/21645515.2021.2007710

Table 3.

Seroconversion rates after vaccination with M-M-RII, alone or with other routine vaccinations

  Seroconversion rates (%)
Category Measles Mumps Rubella
By age groupa      
 <12 monthsb 87.4 92.3 91.2
 12 months–3 yearsc 92.8–100 91.1–100 92.8–100
 4–6 yearsd 99.3–100 100 99.4–100
 ≥7 yearse 96.0–100 94.5–100f 91.3–100
By dose number, 12 months–6 years      
 First doseg 87.5–100 90.0–100 92.0–100
 Second doseh 98.4–100 98.6–100 99.6–100
Concomitant use with other vaccine(s), first dose      
 M-M-RII alonei,j,k 90.4–100 90.0–100 90.0–100
 Diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis and (oral or inactivated) poliovirus (DTaP)i,j,l 95.0–100 97.0–100 92.0–100
Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib)i,m 95.7–99.4 98.4–100 97.0–100
 Hepatitis Ai,n 96.3–100 97.6–100 98.3–100
 Hepatitis Bj,o 100 100 100
 Influenzai,p 97.0 >96.0 >97.0
 Japanese encephalitisi,q 97.6–100 98.8–99.5 100
 Varicellai,r 87.5–100 79.5–100 92.8–100
Concomitant use with other vaccine(s), second dose      
 M-M-RII alonei,s 99.3 100 100
 DTaPi,j,t 98.9–100 98.9–100 99.4–100
 Hepatitis Bj,o 100 100 100
 Varicellai,u 100 100 100
Alternative administration methodsv      
 Intramuscularw 94.3 97.7 98.1

Assays used and time for collection of sera may have differed across the studies. Some studies are reported in more than one of the references cited.

aSubjects ≤3 years of age received a first or first and second dose of M-M-RII; subjects ≥4 years of age received a second or possible third dose of M-M-RII.

bReference: 149

dReferences: 49,66,72,104,129,130,151,152

eReferences: 53,88-90,121,131-134,153,154

fMost studies in this age group reported a range of 94.5–100% for mumps seropositivity. The authors of the paper that reported the single low outlier of 65% stated that ‘the mumps antibody levels obtained with the present tests may not accurately reflect actual immunity.’153

hReferences: 49,66,67,72,119,129,130,151,152

iRanges include data from participants 12 months to 6 years of age.

jRanges include data from participants ≥7 years of age.

lReferences: 53,54,77,86

mReferences: 51,60,74,82

nReferences: 47,52,59,62,67-69,76,119,127-129,150

oReference: 53

pReference: 70

qReference: 61

rReferences: 55,57,58,60,64,65,70,73,76,79-81,83,85,86,91,92,122,125,126

sReferences: 67,119,151

tReferences: 49,53,66,129,130

uReferences: 72,152

vTwo studies assessed the safety and immunogenicity of M-M-RII delivered by alternative, non-licensed methods – aerosol or needle-free jet injector.90,134 Immunogenicity by aerosol administration was 100%, 98.3%, and 100% for measles, mumps, and rubella, respectively. Immunogenicity in the needle-free jet injector study was reported as geometric mean ratios (GMR) for each antibody compared to a positive control. The values for the GMR at week 12 by needle-jet injector versus subcutaneous administration for measles, mumps, and rubella were 0.74 versus 0.89, 0.94 versus 0.90, and 2.07 versus 1.87, respectively.

wReference: 58