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. 2022 Feb 23;16:773593. doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2022.773593


ROI weights and voxel sizes of the circuit predicting the Zanarini-Interpersonal sector for BPD.

Labels Significance (%) Volume (Voxels)
Temporal_Pole_Mid_R 1.8963 1810
Vermis_9 1.7640 388
Temporal_Inf_R 1.7004 7209
Frontal_Inf_Oper_R 1.4985 2838
Occipital_Inf_R 1.3648 2411
Cerebelum_Crus1_R 1.3329 4791
Angular_R 1.3270 3628
Cerebelum_7b_R 1.3118 692
Fusiform_R 1.2755 5731
ParaHippocampal_R 1.2542 2557
Cerebelum_Crus2_R 1.1956 3901
Frontal_Sup_R 1.1873 8047
Vermis_1_2 1.1838 109
Cerebelum_9_L 1.1797 1407
Occipital_Sup_R 1.1739 3166
Temporal_Mid_R 1.1722 8803
Parietal_Inf_R 1.1675 2671
Lingual_R 1.1434 5574
Cerebelum_9_R 1.1147 1320
Fusiform_L 1.1135 5282
SupraMarginal_L 1.1046 2879
Cingulum_Ant_L 1.0933 3248
Precuneus_R 1.0850 7251
Occipital_Mid_R 1.0745 4649
Frontal_Mid_R 1.0669 9213
Cingulum_Post_R 1.0316 763
Cerebelum_Crus1_L 1.0220 5334
SupraMarginal_R 1.0189 3768

Only regions with at least 1% contribution to the model are reported.