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. 2022 Mar 9;10:13. doi: 10.1186/s40560-022-00602-x

Table 1.

Patient demographics and characteristics, diagnosis of infection, disease severity and patient outcomes

Total n=406 episodes, 397 patients
Number of episodesa
 One episode 388 (97.7)
 Two episodes 8 (2.0)
 Three episodes 1 (0.3)
 Age (years, median (IQR)) 74 (64–74)
 Sex (male) 236 (59.4)
 Department of inclusion
  Emergency department 381 (93.8)
  Infectious diseases 16 (3.9)
  Haemodialysis 9 (2.2)
 CCI (median (IQR) 2 (0–2)
 Cardiac 90 (22.7)
 Hypertension 108 (27.2)
 Cerebrovascular disease 48 (12.1)
 Chronic pulmonary disease 64 (16.1)
 Chronic kidney disease 108 (27.2)
 Liver disease 17 (4.3)
 Dementia 28 (7.1)
 Diabetes 76 (19.1)
 Solid malignancies 83 (20.9)
 Haematological malignancies 15 (3.8)
Diagnosis of infection
 Primary bacteraemia 72 (17.7)
 Secondary bacteraemia 127 (31.3)
 Bacterial pneumonia 126 (31.0)
 Influenza 81 (20.0)
Disease severity*
 SOFA (median, IQR)) 2 (2–4)
  SOFA (1) 73 (18.0)
  SOFA (≧2) 333 (82.0)
 Septic Shock 4 (1.0)
 Bacteraemia 217 (53.4)
 Length of stay (days, median (IQR)) 7 (4–13)
 ICU admission 72 (17.7)
 ICU length of stay (days, median (IQR)) 4 (2–9)
 Mortality 44 (10.8)
 Worse outcome# 96 (23.6)

aDemographics, except department of inclusion, and comorbidities are shown on patient level, not on episode level. *Disease severity based on SOFA score at the start of a new episode. #Patients who were admitted to the ICU or who died during hospitalization were classified in the worse outcome group. All variables are presented as number (%) unless otherwise specified