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. 2022 Feb 25;6(5):1420–1431. doi: 10.1182/bloodadvances.2021006208

Table 5.

CD4 cell count and HIV VL stratified by lymphoma subtype at lymphoma diagnosis, NA-ACCORD (N = 717)

TCL and NK/TCL (n = 52) BL (n = 101) PCNSL (n = 64) DLBCL (n = 500) P *
Patients with any CD4 measurement, no. (%) 45 (87) 96 (95) 51 (80) 467 (93) .001
Patients with CD4 measurement within 3 y before cancer diagnosis§, no. (%) 40 (77) 92 (91) 45 (70) 424 (85) .002
CD4 (cells/µL), median (IQR) 142 (83-469) 309 (170-491) 45 (10-128) 182 (72-372) <.001
Patients with any VL measurement, no. (%) 44 (85) 96 (95) 50 (78) 467 (93) <.001
Patients with VL measurement within 3 y before cancer diagnosis§, no. (%) 38 (73) 92 (91) 44 (69) 427 (85) <.001
VL (copies/mL), median (IQR) 400 (48-38 140) 1738 (50-23 422) 72 550 (2941-266 305) 6510 (75-110 362) <.001

The CD4 cell count and VL exhibited here represent values measured either at time of cancer diagnosis or up to 3 years before cancer diagnosis.


P values for the comparison between patients in different lymphoma groups (Burkitt’s, PCNSL, DLBCL, and TCL and NK/TCLs) were calculated using Kruskal-Wallis and χ2 tests for non-normally distributed continuous variables and categorical variables, respectively.

Bonferroni adjusted P values for pairwise comparison: patients with any CD4 measurement: PCNSL vs Burkitt’s, DLBCL: .02, .005, patients with CD4 measurement within 3 years before cancer diagnosis: PCNSL vs Burkitt’s, DLBCL: .007, .04, median CD4 count: TCL and NK/TCL vs PCNSL: .001, Burkitt’s vs PCNSL, DLBCL: <.001, <.001, DLBCL vs PCNSL <.001, patients with any viral load measurement: PCNSL vs Burkitt’s, DLBCL: .01, .002, patients with viral load measurement within 3 years before cancer diagnosis: Burkitt’s vs TCL and NK/TCL, PCNSL: .04, .003, PCNSL vs DLBCL: .008, median viral load: PCNSL vs TCL and NK/TCL, Burkitt’s, DLBCL: .002, <.001, .02.

P values based on Fisher’s exact test because of some small cell counts.


The vast majority of patients had at least 1 HIV RNA level and 1 CD4 level measured within 3 months before the diagnosis of lymphoma.