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. 2021 Aug 9;1:100046. doi: 10.1016/j.crpvbd.2021.100046

Table 4.

Accuracy and precision of various faecal egg counting techniques used for equine faecal samples

Methods used Spiked epg/flotation solution Parasite detected Accuracy (%) Precision (%) Reference
Remodified McMaster (Sheatherʼs sugar) Not applicable Ascarids 6,387a NA McQueary (1976)
Strongyles 1,403a
Direct centrifugal flotation (Sheatherʼs sugar) Ascarids 90b
Strongyles 86b
Remodified McMaster (sodium chloride) Ascarids 7,413a
Strongyles 1,456a
Direct centrifugal flotation (sodium chloride) Ascarids 45b
Strongyles 97b
Sedimentation 1 epg Anoplocephala perfoliata 0.6 NA Williamson et al. (1998)
2 epg 0.6
10 epg 0
20 epg 2.4
100 epg 3
200 epg 12
Flotation 1 1 epg 0
2 epg 0.18
10 epg 0.2
20 epg 0.7
100 epg 1.9
200 epg 3.9
Flotation 2 1 epg 0.6
2 epg 1
10 epg 2.2
20 epg 1.2
100 epg 10.2
200 epg 31.9
FECPAK and McMaster Not applicable Strongyles NA FECPAK had lower variance and thus higher precision Presland et al. (2005)
Centrifugal flotation % of eggs recovered using centrifugal flotation Cyathostomins 100 NA Bello and Allen (2009)
McMaster 68–81
McMaster CV associated with the level of faecal pile, faecal bolus and sample from a faecal bolus, as well as the McMaster procedure Cyathostomins NA CV more dependent on individual animal and higher than faecal bolus and McMaster CV Denwood et al. (2012)
Combined zinc sulfate sedimentation-flotation 1 epg Cyathostomins & A. perfoliata 1.20 & 0 NA Becker et al. (2016)
5 epg 2.12 & 1.60
10 epg 3.46 & 1.32
20 epg 2.00 & 0.80
40 epg 4.13 & 0.90
60 epg 2.22 & 0.91
80 epg 3.51 & 1.00
McMaster 1 epg 0 & 0
30 epg 22.20 & 22.20
50 epg 44.40 & 26.60
80 epg 61.00 & 30.50
100 epg 37.70 & 39.90
500 epg 75.90 & 14.90
1000 epg 40.70 & NA
Smartphone prototype (accuracy: mean % epg; precision: 100–CV)c 5 epg Strongyles 18.91 71.6 Scare et al. (2017)
50 epg 57.02
500 epg 25.02
1000 epg 29.15
McMaster (accuracy: mean % epg; precision: 100–CV)c 5 epg Not applicable 49.12
50 epg 11.11
500 epg 32.22
1000 epg 21.67
Mini-FLOTAC (accuracy: mean % epg; precision: 100–CV)c 5 epg 22.22 64.34
50 epg 75.56
500 epg 72.33
1000 epg 87.94
McMaster (accuracy: mean % epg; precision: 100–CV)c 5 epg Strongyles 0 53.7 Noel et al. (2017)
50 epg 16.67
500 epg 43.33
1000 epg 34.16
Mini-FLOTAC (accuracy: mean % epg; precision: 100–CV)c 5 epg 33.33 83.24
50 epg 28.33
500 epg 52.33
1000 epg 56.25
Mini-FLOTAC (accuracy: mean % epg; precision: % CV)c 10 epg Strongyles 90 49.6 Bosco et al. (2018)
50 epg 90 10.9
200 epg 96 8.1
500 epg 82 3.1
McMaster (chamber) (accuracy: mean % epg; precision: % CV)c 10 epg Strongyles 70 135.6
50 epg 78 51.4
200 epg 84 23.1
500 epg 92 10.9
McMaster (grid) (accuracy: mean % epg; precision: % CV)c 10 epg Strongyles 80 248.6
50 epg 98 90.5
200 epg 90 39.9
500 epg 98 17.3
Cornell–Wisconsin (accuracy: mean % epg; precision: % CV)c 10 epg Strongyles 40 33.4
50 epg 38 16.6
200 epg 52 51.8
500 epg 50 5.2
McMaster (precision as variance)c including FEC < 50 epg Cyathostomins NA 0.71 Britt et al. (2017)
excluding FEC < 50 epg 0.72
Mini-FLOTAC (precision as variance)c including FEC < 50 epg 0.52
excluding FEC < 50 epg 0.34
Modified-Wisconsin (precision as variability)c Not applicable Strongyles NA 0.045 Paras et al. (2018)
Three-chambered McMaster (precision as variability)c 0.311
Mini-FLOTAC (precision as variability)c 0.143
McMaster (precision as CV)c Not applicable Strongylid 3rd highest egg count 0.45 Went et al. (2018)
Mini-FLOTAC (precision as CV)c 2nd highest egg count 0.23
McMaster with Fill-Flotac (precision as CV)c highest egg count 0.45
Mini-FLOTAC with tongue depressor and cup (precision as CV)c 4th highest egg count 0.20
Simple McMaster (accuracy: mean % epg; precision: % CV for spiked and natural infections, respectively)c Not applicable Ascarids 65.53 62.95 & 31.20 Napravnikova et al. (2019)
Strongyles 97.53 44.33 & 39.53
Concentration McMaster (accuracy: mean % epg; precision: % CV for spiked and natural infections, respectively)c Ascarids 83.18 35.71 & 17.92
Strongyles 88.39 35.64 & 25.19
Mini-FLOTAC (accuracy: mean % epg; precision: % CV for spiked and natural infections, respectively)c Ascarids 90.28 18.95 & 14.51
Strongyles 74.18 18.25 & 8.64
Simple flotation (precision as % CV)c Salt Strongyles NA 43.15 Silva et al. (2019)
Sugar 52.43
Centrifuged flotation (precision as % CV)c Salt 68.97
Sugar 86.07
McMaster (precision as % CV)c Salt 95.75
Sugar 53.96
Mini-FLOTAC (precision as % CV)c Salt 98.16
Sugar 50.23
FECPAKG1 Not applicable Strongyles 100 NA Tyson et al. (2020)
FECPAKG2 (accuracy as a percentage of mean FECPAKG1 egg count)c 101

Abbreviations: CV, coefficient of variation; epg, eggs per gram; NA, not assessed.


Mean epg.


Percent eggs recovered on four successive coverslips based on McMaster counts.


Measure of each of the corresponding parameter given in the published article.

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