Fig. 9.
To compare the intrinsic information content of ultrasound images, the embedding should be held constant. (top left) A DAS image ϕDAS is displayed using a log-scale DAS embedding . (top middle) An SLSC image is displayed using a linear-scale SLSC embedding and has a sharply different appearance. (top right) The SLSC image is placed on the same embedding as the log-scale DAS image via histogram matching, resulting in a fairer visual comparison of the underlying information content. (bottom left) The gCNR, CR, CNR, and SNR are computed on ϕDAS using a linear scale DAS embedding . (bottom middle) The same are computed for ϕSLSC using the SLSC embedding, yielding very different CR and SNR values. (bottom right) The same values are computed for ϕSLSC using , allowing quantitative analysis of the underlying image that is not confounded by . Note that gCNR (i.e. dTV) does not depend on the embedding and is thus invariant under histogram matching.