48h after PMSG treatment, cumulus oocyte complex (COCs) were isolated from 4-wk-old wildtype female rats and treated with 1nM of rat kisspeptin 10 (KP-10) for 30 min. KP-10 treatment upregulated the mRNA levels of Gdf9, Bmp15, but downregulated Bmp7 (A-C). It also upregulated the mRNA levels of protein kinases cMos, Kit, and Aurka (D-F), as well as Wee2 and Cdc25b (G and H) important for meiotic maturation. Moreover, KP-10 treatment upregulated the mRNA levels of RNA binding proteins Dazl, Btg4, and Papbc1l (J-L) required for selective mRNA stability during oocyte maturation. RT-qPCR data represent the mean ± SE. *P < 0.05, n = 6.