Podocyte VEGFKD
induces thiol-mediated mechanisms in diabetic and eNOS−/−:VEGFKD
mice. (A) WB: Kidney GSNOR expression is not altered by diabetes or VEGFKD
, tubulin is shown as loading control. (B) GSNOR S-nitrosylation (SNO-GSNOR) detected by BST: VEGFKD
(+dox) decreases SNO-GSNOR in eNOS−/−:VEGFKD
and diabetic kidneys; podocyte and kidney lysates are used as SNO positive and negative BST controls, respectively, input shows equal loading for BST. (C) Urine Cys thiol excretion (normalized to creatinine): podocyte VEGFKD
increases ∼2.5 fold Cys thiol excretion in eNOS−/−:VEGFKD
+ dox mice (red bar) (*, p = 0.013); diabetic mice (blue bars), irrespective of VEGFKD
, have ∼6-fold higher Cys thiol excretion than uninduced non-diabetic mice with intact eNOS (VEGFKD
− dox, white bar) (**, p = 0.004) or eNOS−/−:VEGFKD
− dox (hatched red bar) (**, p = 0.004). (D) IHC: podocyte VEGFKD
(+ dox) increases S-nitrosylation of glomerular proteins in eNOS−/−:VEGFKD
kidneys, SNO-Cys quantification is shown in (E), (****, p = 0.0003). (F) PLA: shows that podocyte VEGFKD
(+ dox) increases laminin S-nitrosylation (SNO-laminin) in eNOS−/−:VEGFKD
kidneys, SNO-laminin PLA quantification is shown in (G) (*, p = 0.025). (H) PLA: shows β3-integrin S-nitrosylation (SNO-β3-integrin) in eNOS−/−:VEGFKD
glomeruli, which is increased by podocyte VEGFKD
(+dox); SNO-β3-integrin quantification is shown in (I) (*, p = 0.036).