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. 2022 Mar 5;17:491–504. doi: 10.2147/COPD.S337668

Table 2.

Rates of COPD Exacerbations Among Weighted Prompt and Delayed Cohorts

COPD Exacerbations Number of Events Rate (PPY) Rate Ratioa (95% CI)b [A]/[B] p-valueb
Prompt (N = 529) Delayed (N = 1375) Prompt [A] Delayed [B]
Observation periodc, mean (SD) 358.0 (137.4) 369.4 (140.7)
Overall exacerbations 506 1708 0.98 1.23 0.79 (0.65, 0.94) 0.004
 Moderate exacerbationsd 447 1430 0.86 1.03 0.84 (0.69, 0.99) 0.038
 Severe exacerbationse 59 278 0.11 0.20 0.57 (0.37, 0.79) 0.002

Notes: Prompt and delayed patients were weighted using the inverse probability of treatment weighting approach based on the propensity score. Variables used in the propensity score calculation included the following: age, sex, year/quarter of index date, US region, type of insurance plan (ie, PPO, HMO, POS, and other types), Quan-CCI score (categories of 0, 1, 2, and 3+), asthma diagnosis, type of COPD-related exacerbation on the index date, patients with multiple events in the index exacerbation, respiratory medication use, all-cause and COPD-related HRU and medical costs, and comorbidities (those with ≥5% prevalence in either cohort). a Rate ratios were calculated from Poisson regression models with log-link. b CIs and p-values were calculated using non-parametric bootstrap procedures with 999 replications. c The observation period spanned from the index date until the earliest of health plan disenrollment or end of data availability. d Moderate COPD exacerbations were defined as an outpatient or ER visit with a COPD exacerbation diagnosis code in the primary position and at least one dispensing/administration of a systemic corticosteroid or guideline-recommended antibiotic within 5 days following, or prior to, the visit. e Severe COPD exacerbations were defined as an inpatient hospitalization with a diagnosis code for COPD exacerbation in the primary position.

Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; ER, emergency room; HMO, health maintenance organization; HRU, healthcare resource utilization; POS, point-of-service; PPO, preferred provider organization; PPY, per person-year; Quan-CCI, Quan-Charlson comorbidity index; SD, standard deviation.