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. 2021 Dec 8;5:177. [Version 1] doi: 10.12688/gatesopenres.13458.1

Table 2. Description of models and sample included in each study.

Model name Description of model Number
of model
in study
at 12
Location Refill duration Approach
Facility Community 1-2 mos 3 mos 6 mos Individual Group
     Facility enhanced
conventional care ††
Standard facility-based care with 4 visits/year
and 3-month refills
1,898 97.1%
     Community ART groups
with 3-month refills (CAGs)
Group of 6-12 patients in same geographic
area; groups meet 4 times/year in
community, with 1 member collecting
medications for all members from clinic
once/quarter and 3-month refills
1,558 96.5%
     Community distribution
points with 6-month refills
6-month dispensing alternating between
clinic and community pickup point; 1 clinic
visit + 1 pickup point visit/year
1,880 94.7%
     Facility conventional care Standard of care; dispensing intervals varied
with provider’s discretion, availability of
stock, etc. from 1-3 months, with 4-12 clinic
1,532 89.7%
     Facility dispensing with
3-month refills
Patients consistently received 3-month
supplies of ARVs, with 4 clinic visits/year. No
other changes to model of care.
1,430 90.2%
     Facility dispensing with
6-month refills
Patients consistently received 6-month
supplies of ARVs, with 2 clinic visits/year. No
other changes to model of care.
1,588 93.2%
Uganda *
     Facility conventional care Standard of care referred to as “Facility-
based individual model”; generally required
4 clinic visits/year with varying dispensing
intervals. Note: This was considered
a differentiated model for new and
complicated patients but continued to
function as conventional care for patients
not in other models
128 97%
(88% *)
     Facility-based groups Groups of patients requiring additional care
or adherence support, with varying numbers
of visits and dispensing intervals. **
129 96%
     Fast-track drug refills Accelerated medication pickup at facilities
for stable first- and second-line patients;
varying dispensing intervals.
133 99%
     Client-led ART delivery
Groups of stable patients meet in the
community, with 1 member collecting
medications from the clinic for all members;
varying frequency of meetings and
dispensing intervals.
131 98%
     Community drug
distribution points
Stable patients pick up medications from
a community location, including private
pharmacies; dispensing intervals varied
but most patients had 1 clinic visit and 6
medication pickup interactions per year.
132 100%
Zambia 1 (observational)
     Facility conventional care Standard of care; generally requires 4 full
clinic visits/year with 1-3 month dispensing
intervals. For study, selected a matched
sample of DSD model-eligible patients not
enrolled in DSD models.
1,174 80.7%
     Community adherence
groups (CAGs)
Group of approximately 6 patients meet
monthly in the community; 1 member
collects medications for all members. 2 full
clinic visits/year.
754 83.2%
     Urban adherence groups Group of 20-30 patients meet as a group at
clinic to receive services every 2-3 months.
Urban areas only.
193 94.8%
     Home ART delivery Community health workers visit patients’
homes to deliver medications and monitor
treatment. 2 full clinic visits/year. Rural areas
169 79.3%
     Mobile ART services Clinical team from district hospital visits
rural health posts every 2 weeks to provide
services. Requires 6 patient interactions/
216 68.5%
Zambia 2
     Facility conventional care Standard of care; dispensing intervals vary
with provider’s discretion, availability of
stock, etc. from 1-3 months, with 4-12 clinic
1,480 74.6%
     Facility dispensing with
3-month refills
Patients consistently receive 3-month
supplies of ARVs, with 4 clinic visits/year. No
other changes to model of care.
1,296 82.3%
     Facility dispensing with
6-month refills
Patients consistently receive 6-month
supplies of ARVs, with 2 clinic visits/year. No
other changes to model of care.
1,393 89.7%
     Facility enhanced
conventional care ††
Standard facility-based care with 4 clinic
visits/year and 3-month refills
1,919 93.0%
     Community ART groups
with 3-month refills
Group of 6–12 patients in same geographic
area; groups met 4 times/year in community,
with 1 member collecting medications for
all members from clinic once/quarter and 3-
month refills; 1 annual clinical consultation/
year on same day for entire group.
1,335 94.8%
     Community ART groups
with 6-month refills
Group of 6–12 patients in same geographic
area; groups met 4 times/year in community,
with 1 member collecting medications for
all members from clinic once/quarter and 6-
month refills; 1 annual clinical consultation/
year on same day for entire group.
1,546 95.5%

*Uganda results reported were from the second 12-month observation period (months 13–24 reported in published paper). Outcome in parentheses is viral suppression.

** Facility groups included in study were for pregnant and post-partum women only.

†Model includes newly-initiated patients; outcomes reflect high early attrition during period when patients are not eligible for all other DSD models.

††Conventional models in Lesotho and Zimbabwe were an enhanced version of standard of care in which providers were asked to dispense 3-month supplies of ARVs, rather than whatever duration they otherwise would have and patients received 4 clinical consultations per year, rather than 1.