Fig. 4. Capacitance matching in antiferroelectric-dielectric heterostructure capacitors.
a The capacitance enhancement factor r = CDE-AFE/CDE in dielectric-antiferroelectric heterostructures with varying HfO2 thickness as functions of the constituent dielectric capacitance CDE. CDE-AFE is the heterostructure capacitance. The best fit to the capacitance matching law: CDE-AFE/CDE = | C°AFE | /( | C°AFE | - CDE) is obtained for C°AFE = −4.75 µF cm−2 at P = 16 µC cm-2 with R2 = 0.9986, which is plotted as the red line in a and b. b 1/CDE-AFE is shown as a function of 1/CDE. The intercept gives the inverse antiferroelectric capacitance 1/C°AFE, which is negative. Note that the negative capacitance of ZrO2 reported here is independent of CDE.