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. 2020 Aug 30;12(2):267–277. doi: 10.1177/2192568220950332

Table 1.

Patient Characteristics, Time to Fracture, and Treatment of Sacral Insufficiency Fractures After L5-S1 or L4-S1 Lumbosacral Fusion.

Case Age (years), sex Previous lumbar surgery Antecedent surgical levels Procedure Time to fracture (days) Sacral fracture treatment Bone mineral density Past medical history Reference article
1 60, male None L5-S1 Staged ALIF (PEEK cage with anterior plating)/PSF 1 PSF L4-ilium Osteopenia COPD, DMII, HTN, OSA, morbid obesity
2 76, male None L5-S1 Staged ALIF (PEEK cage with integrated fixation)/PSF 53 PSF L4-ilium Osteopenia HTN, OSA
3 66, male None L5-S1 Staged ALIF (PEEK cage with integrated fixation)/PSF 114 PSF L4-ilium Normal DMII, CVA, PVD
4 73, female None L5-S1 ALIF (PEEK cage with integrated fixation) 17 PSF L5-S2AI Osteopenia HTN, HLD, DMII, hypothyroidism
5 53, male None L5-S1 ALIF (femoral ring allograft with anterior plating) 31 PSF L5-S2AI Normal Hypothyroidism
6 31, female None L5-S1 ALIF (titanium treaded cage) 3 L4-S1 ALIF/PSF NA Depression, chronic pain
7 41, female None L4-S1 PLIF 3 months PSF w/ sacral hooks Normal NA Bose et al 23
8 39, male None L5-S1 ALIF 34 days L5-S1 PSF NA NA Lastfogel et al 29
9 36, male None L5-S1 ALIF 38 days L5-S1 PSF NA NA Lastfogel et al 29
10 48, male None L5-S1 ALIF 13 days L5-S1 PSF NA NA Lastfogel et al 29
11 72, male None L5-S1 ALIF 9 days L5-S1 PSF NA NA Phan et al 30
12 70, male Decompression L4-S1 L4-S1 TLIF and PSF 21 days L4-ilium Osteopenia Pemphigus Buell et al 31
13 66, male None L5-S1 L5-S1 TLIF and PSF 28 days L4-ilium Osteoporosis COPD, smoker Buell et al 31
14 76, female None L4-S1 L4-S1 PSF 21 days L4-ilium Osteoporosis Hypothyroidism Buell et al 31
15 69, female None L4-S1 L4-S1 TLIF and PSF 21 days L4-ilium Osteoporosis Hyperparathyroidism, hypothyroidism, RA on prednisone Buell et al 31
16 52, female None L4-S1 L4-S1 PSF Several months L2-ilium NA NA Hsieh et al 51
17 53, female Decompression L4-S1 PSF/ALIF 4 months Brace therapy, osteoporosis tx Osteoporosis SLE, long-term prednisone Elias et al 27
18 61, female None L5-S1 PSF/PLIF First few days TLSO, osteoporosis tx Osteopenia Breast cancer s/p mastectomy, radiation, chemotherapy; neuromuscular scoliosis; polio Fourney et al 28
19 57, female None L4-S1 PSF 2 months Encouraged activity NA Morbid obesity, HTN, OSA Khan et al 25
20 57, female L5-S1 PLIF L4-S1 PSF 6 weeks Water therapy, pain control NA DMII, obesity Khan et al 25
21 70, female None L4-S1 PSF 2 weeks Conservative management Osteoporosis n/a Mathews et al 24
22 57, female None L4-S1 PSF/PLIF 9 days Short-period immobilization, orthotic Osteoporosis DMII, hepatitis C, COPD, long-term cortisone use Pennekamp et al 26

Abbreviations: ALIF, anterior lumbar interbody fusion; PLIF, posterior lumbar interbody fusion; PSF, posterior spinal fusion; S2AI, s2 alar-iliac; HTN, hypertension; DMII, type II diabetes mellitus; OSA, obstructive sleep apnea; SLE, systemic lupus erythematous; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.