Average changes in total viable count (a), psychotropic bacteria (b), and yeasts–molds (c) of the cheese slices during storage at 4°C. Treatments: Sterile distilled water (C), cucumber peel extract (CPE), cumin essential oil (CEO), gelatin‐starch edible coating (GS), gelatin‐starch edible coating‐cucumber peel extract (GS‐CPE), gelatin‐starch edible coating‐cumin essential oil (GS‐CEO), and gelatin‐starch edible coating‐cucumber peel extract‐cumin essential oil (GS‐CPE‐CEO). Different letters within the same interval (day) (a, b, c, etc.) and the same treatment (A, B, C, etc.) indicate a statistically significant difference (p ≤ .05)