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. 2021 May 14;127(6):927–938. doi: 10.1017/S0007114521001598

Table 2.

Distribution of adherence to the individual recommendations of the adapted World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF)/American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) Cancer Prevention Recommendations between breast cancer cases and controls, using population-based tertiles (33rd and 66th percentiles)

(Numbers and percentages)

2018 WCRF/AICR cancer prevention recommendation Operationalisation Score contribution Controls (n 396) Cases (n 396) P
n % n %
1. Be a healthy weight* BMI: ≤ 28·6 kg/m2 0·5 131 33·1 143 36·5
28·6 kg/m2 < BMI < 34·7 kg/m2 0·25 131 33·1 125 31·9 0·669
BMI: >34·7 kg/m2 0 134 33·8 128 31·6
2. Be a healthy weight* Waist circumference: ≤ 92 cm 0·5 139 35·1 167 42·2
92 cm < Waist circumference <102 cm 0·25 130 32·8 130 32·8 0·049
Waist circumference: ≥ 102 cm 0 127 32·1 99 25·0
2. Be physically active Moderate or vigorous PA ≥ 51 min/week 1 150 37·9 173 44
20 min/week < Moderate or vigorous PA < 51 min/week 0·5 97 24·5 65 16·4 0·100
Moderate or vigorous PA ≤ 20 min/week 0 149 37·6 158 39·9
3. Eat a diet rich in wholegrains, vegetables, fruit and beans Fruits and vegetables ≥ 543 g/d 0·5 131 33·1 152 38·4
169 g ≤ Fruits and vegetables <543 g/d 0·25 134 33·8 85 21·5 <0·001
Fruits and vegetables <169 g/d 0 131 33·1 159 40·2
3. Eat a diet rich in wholegrains, vegetables, fruit and beans Dietary fibre ≥ 27·1 g/d 0·5 152 38·4 147 37·1
19·1 g ≤ Dietary fibre <27·1 g/d 0·25 92 23·2 103 26·0 0·955
Dietary fibre <19·1 g/d 0 152 38·4 146 36·9
4. Limit consumption of ‘fast foods’ and other processed foods high in fat, refined starches or sugars Total kJ from UPF ≤ 20·1 % of TEI 1 133 33·6 152 38·4
20·1 % <Total kJ from UPF ≥ 50·1 % of TEI 0·5 129 32·6 156 39·4 0·001
Total kJ from UPF >50·1 % of TEI 0 134 33·8 88 22·2
5. Limit consumption of red and processed meat Red meat ≤ 60 g/week and processed meat ≤ 8·6 g/d 1 58 14·6 92 23·2
60 g/week < Red meat and ≤ 317 g/week and 8·6 g/d < processed meat and ≤ 51·4 g/d 0·5 236 59·6 247 62·4 <0·001
Red meat > 317 g/week and processed meat > 51·4 g/d 0 102 25·8 57 14·4
6. Limit consumption of sugar-sweetened drinks Sugary drinks: ≤59 g/d 1 131 33·1 133 33·6
59 g/d < Sugary drinks < 200 g/d 0·5 141 35 147 37·1 0·521
Sugary drinks ≥ 200 g/d 0 124 31 116 29·3
7. Limit alcohol consumption Ethanol intake 0 g/d 1 321 81·1 350 88·4
0 g/d < Ethanol intake ≤ 4·6 g/d 0·5 41 10·4 25 6·3 0·017
Ethanol intake > 4·6 g/d 0 34 8·5 21 5·3
8. Do not rely on supplements for cancer prevention Not applicable to this population
9. For mothers: breast-feed your baby, if you can Cumulative breast-feeding ≥ 48 months 1 120 31·8 138 36·1
22 months < Cumulative breast-feeding < 48 months 0·5 118 31·3 117 30·6 0·761
Cumulative breast-feeding ≤ 22 months 0 139 36·9 127 33·3
10. After a cancer diagnosis: follow our recommendations, if you can Not applicable to this population

PA, physical activity; UPF, ultraprocessed food.


Adherence to the recommendation ‘Be a healthy weight’ is measured by two subgroups, BMI and waist circumference.

Adherence to the recommendation ‘Eat a diet rich in wholegrains, vegetables, fruit and beans’ is measured by two subgroups, fruit and vegetable intake and daily fibre intake.

Recommendation only applied to parous women (case n 382; controls n 377).