Cytogenetic and genome details of selected orphan crops.
Crop | Scientific name | Ploidy level | Chromosome number | Estimated genome size |
Finger millet | Eleusine coracana | Allotetraploid | 36 | 1.6 Gbp |
Proso millet | Panicum miliaceum | Tetraploid | 36 | 923 Mbp |
Barnyard millet | Echinochloa sp. | Hexaploid | 54 | 1.27 Gbp |
Buckwheat | Fagopyrum esculentum | Diploid | 16 | 540 Mbp |
Fonio | Digitaria exilis | Tetraploid | 36 | 893 Mbp |
Little millet | Panicum sumatrense | Tetraploid | 36 | NA |
African yam bean | Sphenostylis stenocarpa | Diploid | 18, 20, 22, and 24 | NA |
African winged bean | (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus) | NA | NA | NA |
Moth bean | Vigna aconitifolia | Diploid | 22 | NA |
Bambara nut | Vigna subterranea | Diploid | 20, 22 | NA |
Jatropha | Jatropha curcas | Diploid | 22 | 339 Mbp |
Jojoba | Simmondsia chinensis | Diploid | 26 | 887 Mbp |
Camelina | Camelina sativa | Hexaploid | 40 | 785 Mb |
Teff | Eragrostis tef | Allotetraploid | 40 | 672 Mbp |