Fig. 1.
The expression profiles of PDOs differed depending on the differentiation grade. A Representative phase-contrast images (top) and H&E staining of PDOs from Grade1, Grade2, and Grade3 tumors (middle). H&E staining of the resected tumors from which the organoids were established (bottom). Scale bars, 100 µm. B Targeted genome sequencing analysis of PDOs. The type of mutation in the indicated genes is denoted by a color-coded key. C PCA plots for the transcriptome of PDOs isolated from different grades. PDOs were classified into two cluster groups, Cluster1 (red) and Cluster2 (blue). D Heatmap of gene expression levels according to Moffitt’s “Classical” and “Basal-like” signatures in PDOs. The two bars indicate tumor differentiation (top) and Moffitt’s classification (bottom). E HALLMARK pathways enriched by GSEA among differentially expressed genes between Cluster1 and Cluster2