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. 2022 Feb 22;11(5):758. doi: 10.3390/cells11050758

Table 1.

Number and percent of species and genera characterized by external or internal fertilization and reported to either have a single canonical centriole or two canonical centrioles.

Fertilization One Centriole Two Centrioles Total
External 2 species (0.8%), 2 genera (1%)
Spratelloides gracilis (Silver-stripe round herring) Engraulis japonicus (Japanese anchovy)
241 species (99.2%)
199 genera (99%)
243 species (87.7%)
201 genera (86.6%)
Internal 7 species (20.6%), 6 genera (19.4%)
Hydrolagus colliei (Spotted ratfish)
Lepidogalaxias Salamandroides (Salamanderfish)
Hemirhamphodon pogonognathus
Pantodon buchholzi (Freshwater butterflyfish)
3 Poeciliinae Species: Poecilia reticulata, Poecilia latipinna Guppy, and Gambusia affinis (Western mosquitofish)
27 species (79.4%)
25 genera (80.6%)
34 species (12.3%)
31 genera (13.4)
Total 9 species (3.2%)
8 genera (3.4%)
268 species (96.8%)
224 genera (96.6%)
277 species
232 genera
p-value Species: <0.00001
Genera: <0.00001
Ratio Species: 3.5 (7/2)
Genera: 3 (6/2)
Species: 11.2 (27/241)
Genera: 12.6 (25/199)
RRR Species: 20.6%−0.8% = 19.8%
Genera: 19.4%−1% = 18.4%
Odds ratio Species: (7/27)/(2/241) = 0.259/0.008 = 32.4
Genera: (6/25)/(2/1.99) = 0.24/0.01 = 24

A Z-score calculator was used to determine the p-value for two population proportions. The species name is provided for those with a single canonical sperm centriole. RRR, Relative rate reduction.