Figure A4.
Fluorescence intensity profiles for 487LeX, 5750LeX and DSD-1 in cerebral organoids. (A–B″) The signal for 487LeX was detected on the cells of neural rosette structures, including the inner and outer border. In later organoids, the distribution appeared diffuse. The yellow line indicates the pixels that were measured and depicted in the diagram (487LeX red, Nestin green, TO-PRO-3 blue). (C–D″) 5750LeX signals were most prominently detected in the lumen of neural rosettes in early organoids, later the expression pattern became diffuse. The yellow line indicates the pixels that were measured and depicted in the diagram (5750LeX red, Nestin green, TO-PRO-3 blue). (E–F″) The DSD-1 epitope was located at the outer border of neural rosettes and a faint signal could also be detected in the lumen. As shown for the other glycoepitopes, also the distribution of the DSD-1 epitope became diffuse with the ongoing maturation of the cerebral organoids. The yellow line indicates the pixels that were measured and depicted in the diagram (DSD-1 red, Nestin green, TO-PRO-3 blue).