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. 2022 Mar 3;14(5):1304. doi: 10.3390/cancers14051304

Table 1.

Patients characteristics at baseline.

Characteristic Total Non-MCEs MCEs p-Value
N % N % N %
Sex 0.647
Male 318 89.6 306 89.7 12 85.7
Female 37 10.4 35 10.3 2 14.3
Age 0.780
<65 222 62.5 214 62.8 8 57.1
≥65 133 37.5 127 37.2 6 42.9
ECOG 0.586
0 148 41.7 141 41.3 7 50.0
1–2 207 58.3 200 58.7 7 50.0
History of Smoking 0.564
Yes 236 66.5 228 66.9 8 57.1
No 119 33.5 113 33.1 6 42.9
BMI, kg/m2 0.587
<30 206 58.0 199 58.4 7 50.0
≥30 149 42.0 142 41.6 7 50.0
History of CAD 0.708
Yes 57 16.1 54 15.8 3 21.4
No 298 83.9 287 84.2 11 78.6
History of Hyperlipidemia 0.005
Yes 200 56.3 187 54.8 13 92.9
No 155 43.7 154 45.2 1 7.1
History of Hypertension 0.090
Yes 218 61.4 206 60.4 12 85.7
No 137 38.6 135 39.6 2 14.3
History of Diabetes 0.775
Yes 89 25.1 86 25.2 3 21.4
No 266 74.9 255 74.8 11 78.6
Tumor Location 0.180
Upper/Middle 38 10.7 35 10.3 3 21.4
Distal/GEJ 317 89.3 306 89.7 11 78.6
Pathology 0.065
Adenocarcinoma 314 88.5 304 89.1 10 71.4
SCC 41 11.5 37 10.9 4 28.6
Clinical T Stage (7th) 0.377
T1–2 37 10.4 37 10.9 0 0.0
T3–4 318 89.6 304 89.1 14 100.0
Clinical N Stage (7th) 0.773
N0 113 31.8 108 31.7 5 35.7
N+ 242 68.2 233 68.3 9 64.3
Clinical Stage (7th) 1.000
Stage I/II 122 34.4 117 34.3 5 35.7
Stage III 233 65.6 224 65.7 9 64.3
Induction Chemotherapy 0.592
Yes 127 35.8 123 36.1 4 28.6
No 228 64.2 218 63.9 10 71.4
Surgery 0.578
Yes 215 60.6 208 61.0 7 50.0
No 140 39.4 133 39.0 7 50.0
Radiotherapy Modality 0.397
IMRT 234 65.9 223 65.4 11 78.6
PBT 121 34.1 118 34.6 3 21.4
PTV 1.000
<600 cc 173 48.7 166 48.7 7 50.0
≥600 cc 182 51.3 175 51.3 7 50.0
Platin-based Chemotherapy 0.581
Yes 144 59.4 137 40.2 7 50.0
No 211 40.6 204 59.8 7 50.0

Abbreviations: ECOG, Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group; BMI, body mass index; CAD, coronary artery disease; GEJ, gastroesophageal junction; SCC, squamous cell carcinoma; IMRT, intensity-modulated radiation therapy; PBT, proton beam therapy; PTV, Planning Target Volume.