Pathogenic analysis of Δmoptep1 mutants. (A) Colony morphology of wild-type strain Guy11, Δmoptep1-37, and Δmoptep1-C91. (B) Statistical analysis of the colony diameters. Bar indicates the standard deviation of three replicates. Significance analysis was analyzed by Student’s t-test, and ns means no significance. (C) Pathogenic results of Δmoptep1 mutants. Conidial suspensions of Guy11, Δmoptep1-37 mutant, and the complement strain Δmoptep1-C91 were sprayed on rice seedlings. Diseased symptoms on leaves were photographed after 7 days post inoculation (dpi). (D) Statistics analysis of the number of lesions. Experiments were repeated three times. Bar indicates the standard error of 15 leaves. Significance analysis was analyzed by Student’s t-test; *** indicates p < 0.001.