Coastal counties: “What is your ZIP code?” |
Open-ended, then coded for two regions (“Coastal” and “Non-coastal” |
Age: “What year were you born?” |
Drop-down list of years, then recoded by subtracting birth year from 2020 |
Sex: “What is your sex?” |
Male, Female |
Education: “What is the highest level of schooling you have completed?” |
Less than high school to Doctorate (Ph.D.) (8 options) |
Income: “In 2019, was your household income before taxes…” |
Less than USD 10,000, to More than USD 150,000 (12 options) |
Rent home: “Do you rent or own your current residence?” |
Rent, Own, Not Sure |
Ethnicity: “What is your ethnicity?” |
Hispanic, Not Hispanic |
Race: “What is your race? (Select all that apply.)” |
White, Black or African American, American Indian or Alaska Native, Asian, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, other |
Values and Beliefs
Political ideology: “The terms ‘liberal’ and ‘conservative’ may mean different things to different people depending on the kind of issue one is considering. How would you describe your views in terms of…?” |
Economic issues |
Very liberal to very conservative (5 options) |
Social issue |
Religiosity: “How much guidance does religion play in your everyday life?” |
No guidance at all to A lot of guidance (5 options) |
Trust in research: “How much do you trust the following sources of information to tell you the truth about health risks facing your community?” |
Scientists at universities |
Do not trust at all to Trust completely (5 options) |
North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality |
North Carolina Department of Health & Human Services |
Attention to News
“When you [read a newspaper or a news website/watch television news], how much attention do you pay to news about …?” |
Science and technology |
None (including “no exposure”) to A lot (5 options) |
Health and medicine |
Government and Politics |