Figure 4.
Boxplots of the differences in estimated glomerular filtration rates (ΔeGFR) of fast and slow Tac metabolizers (all time points—date of the switch). p-values are from Wilcoxon-signed rank tests for the dependent comparisons of eGFR values at each time point with the eGRF values at the time of the switch. The C/D ratio cut-off that characterized the metabolizer groups was changed to 0.6 ng/mL·1/mg. In this case, fast metabolizers developed an even more pronounced increase in ΔeGFR at D10 after conversion and all following time points compared with fast metabolizers defined by a C/D ratio cut-off of 1.05 ng/mL·1/mg (A). ΔeGFR of slow metabolizers also increased at M1–M9 after conversion to LCPT (B).